Spotlight 8, Progress Check 3

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 8 из раздела Progress Check 3.


Exercise 1. Fill in: uniform, Linguistics, vet, freelancer, author, cashier, Chemistry, deadlines, overtime, salary.
Упражнение 1. Вставить: uniform, Linguistics, vet, freelancer, author, cashier, Chemistry, deadlines, overtime, salary.


1. She loves animals. She wants to become a ___ .
2. Does your brother have to wear a ___ at work?
3. David has a degree in ___ . He can tell you anything you want to know about the English language.
4. My father works as a ___ from home.
5. Who is the ___ of this novel?
6. Does your father often work ___ ?
7. His ___ is £40,000 a year.
8. A ___ is a person people pay money to in a shop.
9. I get bad grades in ___ . I don’t like science!
10. My brother works hard because he has to meet tough ___ .

1. She loves animals. She wants to become a vet. – Она любит животных. Она хочет стать ветеринаром.
2. Does your brother have to wear a uniform at work? – Твоему брату нужно носить униформу на работе?
3. David has a degree in Linguistics. He can tell you anything you want to know about the English language. – У Дэвида диплом по лингвистике. Он может рассказать тебе об английском языке все, что ты хочешь знать.
4. My father works as a freelancer from home. – Мой отец работает фрилансером дома.
5. Who is the author of this novel? – Кто автор этого романа?
6. Does your father often work overtime? – Твой отец часто работает сверхурочно?
7. His salary is £40,000 a year. – Его зарплата – 40 тысяч фунтов в год.
8. A cashier is a person people pay money to in a shop. – Кассир – это человек, которому люди платят деньги в магазине.
9. I get bad grades in Chemistry. I don’t like science! – У меня плохие оценки по химии. Мне не нравится естествознание!
10. My brother works hard because he has to meet tough deadlines. – Мой брат усердно работает, потому что ему надо успеть к крайнему сроку.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.
Упражнение 2. Преобразуйте слово, чтобы подходило к контексту.


1. Can you SUMMARY the text about Marie Curie?
2. Derek refused to APOLOGY for his rude behaviour.
3. He FANTASY about owning his own company.
4. Does the play CHARACTER the doctor as very selfish?
5. She SYMPATHY with him when he lost his job.

1. Can you summarise the text about Marie Curie? – Можешь кратко изложить суть текста о Мари Кюри?
2. Derek refused to apologise for his rude behaviour. – Дерек отказался извиняться за свое грубое поведение.
3. He fantasises about owning his own company. – Он мечтает о том, чтобы владеть собственной компанией.
4. Does the play characterise the doctor as very selfish? – Это спектакль характеризует доктора как очень эгоистичного?
5. She sympathised with him when he lost his job. – Она посочувствовала ему, когда он потерял работу.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте глагол в прошедшее совершенное или прошедшее совершенно-продолженное время.


1. I (wait) at the cinema for an hour before Kim finally showed up.
2. Grandma (go) to the supermarket before they got home from school.
3. They (play) football all day so they were very tired in the evening.
4. The waitress served us something we (not/order).
5. (he/finish) making the lunch when the guests arrived?
6. The band (perform) for an hour when the electricity went off.
7. I (look) for a new bike for two months before I found one.
8. Pete left work as soon as he (write) the reports.
9. Belinda (study) German for three years before she moved to Munich.
10. David (eat) by the time we got home.

1. I had been waiting at the cinema for an hour before Kim finally showed up. – Я прождал возле кинотеатра в течение часа, до того как Ким наконец-то пришел.
2. Grandma had gone to the supermarket before they got home from school. – Бабушка ушла в супермаркет, до того как они вернулись домой со школы.
3. They had been playing football all day so they were very tired in the evening. – Они играли в футбол весь день, поэтому они были очень уставшими вечером.
4. The waitress served us something we hadn’t ordered. – Официантка подала нам то, что мы не заказывали.
5. Had he finished making the lunch when the guests arrived? – Он закончил готовить ленч, когда прибыли гости?
6. The band had been performing for an hour when the electricity went off. – Группа играла в течение часа, когда отключилось электричество.
7. I had been looking for a new bike for two months before I found one. – Я искал новый велосипед в течение двух месяцев, до того как нашел его.
8. Pete left work as soon as he had written the reports. – Пит покинул работу, как только он написал отчеты.
9. Belinda had been studying German for three years before she moved to Munich. – Белинда в течение трех лет изучала немецкий язык, до того как переехала в Мюнхен.
10. David had eaten by the time we got home. – Дэвид поел к тому времени, как мы добрались до дома.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте правильный предлог.


1. Looking at these photographs brings ___ so many happy memories.
2. She passed out and the doctor had to bring her ___ .
3. I was brought ___ in the countryside, so I don’t really like the city much.
4. J. K. Rowling brought ___ the new Harry Potter book last month.
5. My job brings ___ 1200 euros a month.

1. Looking at these photographs brings back so many happy memories. – Взгляд на эту фотографию навевает так много счастливых воспоминаний.
2. She passed out and the doctor had to bring her round. – Она упала в обморок, и врачу пришлось приводить ее в сознание.
3. I was brought up in the countryside, so I don’t really like the city much. – Я вырос в сельской местности, поэтому я не очень люблю город.
4. J. K. Rowling brought out the new Harry Potter book last month. – Дж. К. Роулинг выпустила новую книгу о Гарри Поттере в прошлом месяце.
5. My job brings in 1200 euros a month. – Мой работа приносит мне 1200 евро в месяц.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition
Упражнение 5. Вставьте правильный предлог.


1. My sister has just started a great career ___ advertising.
2. Jonathan will be ___ charge of the project.
3. They were ___ pressure to meet the deadline.
4. Charles is leaving ___ the beginning of the month.
5. He had left ___ the time I got there.

1. My sister has just started a great career in advertising. – Моя сестра только что начала делать отличную карьеру в рекламе.
2. Jonathan will be in charge of the project. – Джонатан будет руководить проектом.
3. They were under pressure to meet the deadline. – Он испытывал сильное давление от того, что ему надо было успеть к крайнему сроку.
4. Charles is leaving at the beginning of the month. – Чарльз уходит в начале месяца.
5. He had left by the time I got there. – Он ушел к тому времени, как туда прибыл.

Exercise 6. Match to form exchanges.
Упражнение 6. Подберите фразы друг к другу..


1. How are you finding your new job?
2. What does your father do for a living?
3. What’s the pay like?
4. What does your job involve?
5. I got a scholarship.

a. It’s quite easy.
b. Not very good. I only get 850 euros a month.
c. He works as a graphic designer.
d. That’s fantastic!
e. I serve customers and take payments.

How are you finding your new job? – Как ты находишь свою новую работу?
It’s quite easy. – Она весьма простая.
What does your father do for a living? – Чем твой отец зарабатывает на жизнь?
He works as a graphic designer. – Он работает графическим дизайнером.
What’s the pay like? – Какова оплата?
Not very good. I only get 850 euros a month. – Не очень хорошая. Я получаю только 850 евро в месяц.
What does your job involve? – Что включает твоя работа?
I serve customers and take payments. – Я обслуживаю клиентом и принимаю платежи.
I got a scholarship. – Я получил стипендию.
That’s fantastic! – Фантастика!