Spotlight 8, Grammar Check 3

На данной странице находятся лексико-грамматические упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 8 из раздела Grammar Check, Module 3.


Exercise 1. Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.
Упражнение 1. Соедините предложения, используя слова из скобок. Используйте прошедшее совершенное время или прошедшее простое время.


1) Jenny cooked lunch. Then, she ironed the clothes. (after)
2) The news started. John turned on the TV. (already … when)
3) They set the table. Then, the guests arrived. (before)
4) The kids went to bed. Then, Steve came home. (by the time)
5) Their guests left. Then, they tidied the house. (after)
6) Sam waited. Joan finished speaking. (until)

1. After Jenny had cooked lunch, she ironed the clothes. – После того как Дженни приготовила обед, она погладила одежду.
2. The news had already started when John turned on the TV. – Новости уже начались, когда Джон включил телевизор.
3. They had set the table before the guests arrived. – Они накрыли стол, до того как приехали гости.
4. The kids had gone to bed by the time Steve came home. – Дети ушли спать к тому времени, как Стив вернулся домой.
5. After the guests had left, they tidied the house. – После того, как гости ушли, они убрались дома.
6. Sam waited until Joan finished speaking. – Сэм подождал, пока Джоан не закончила говорить.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Perfect.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложения глаголы, данные ниже. Используйте прошедшее совершенное время.


• not finish • find • not be • make • lie • buy

1) Mrs Edwards __ biscuits by the time her children came home.
2) Dave __ a ticket before he went to the concert.
3) Helen was very angry because Mark __ to her.
4) I __ my meal when Kate arrived.
5) It was the first time we visited Russia. We __ there before.
6) Tom was happy because he __ a new job.

1) Mrs Edwards had made biscuits by the time her children came home. – Миссис Эвардс приготовила печенье к тому времени, как ее дети вернулись домой.
2) Dave had bought a ticket before he went to the concert. – Дейв купил билет, до того как он пошел на концерт.
3) Helen was very angry because Mark had lied to her. – Хэлен была очень рассержена, потому что Марк солгал ей.
4) I had not finished my meal when Kate arrived. – Я еще не закончила есть, когда приехала Кейт.
5) It was the first time we visited Russia. We had not been there before. – Это был первый раз, когда мы посещали Россию. Раньше мы там не были.
6) Tom was happy because he had found a new job. – Том был счастлив, потому что он нашел новую работу.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the list. Use the Past Perfect Continuous.
Упражнение 3. Придумайте предложения с данными глаголами. Используйте прошедшее совершенно-продолженное время.


• wait • rain • work • travel • run

1) He was very tired when he came back home last night.

► He had been working all day/since 9 o’clock.

2) She was out of breath.

3) The ground was wet.

4) She was very angry with Tom.

5) We were exhausted.

1) He was very tired when he came back home last night. – Он был очень уставшим, когда он вернулся домой прошлым вечером.

► He had been working all day/since 9 o’clock. – Он работал весь день / с 9 часов.

2) She was out of breath. – Он запыхался (дословно: Он был вне дыхания).

► She had been jogging for over an hour. – Он целый час делал пробежку.

3) The ground was wet. – Земля была сырой.

► It had been raining all night. – Всю ночь шел дождь.

4) She was very angry with Tom. – Она сильно разозлилась на Тома.

► They had been arguing all afternoon. – Они спорили весь день.

5) We were exhausted. – МЫ были сильно уставшими (истощенными).

► We had been cleaning the garage all day. – Мы убирались в гараже весь день.

Exercise 4. Use the Past Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple to form complete sentences.
Упражнение 4. Используйте прошедшее совершенно-продолженное время и прошедшее простое время, чтобы образовать завершенные предложения.



1) Leonardo da Vinci / invent and paint for the King of France / before / die in 1519

2) Wilhelm Roentgen / experiment with electricity / when / discover x-rays

3) Ancient Greek scientist Archimedes / work / maths problem / when / discover solution in bath

4) Before Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev / become famous around the world / work as a university professor / some years

5) Albert Einstein/go to school / Munich / three months / before / move / Italy

1 Leonardo da Vinci had been inventing and painting for the king of France before he died in 1519. – Леонардо да Винчи занимался изобретательством и рисованием для французского короля до тех пор, пока он (Леонардо) не умер в 1519 году.

2 Wilhelm Roentgen had been experimenting with electricity when he discovered x-rays. – Вильгельм Рентген экспериментировал с электричеством, когда открыл рентгеновские лучи.

3 Ancient Greek scientist Archimedes had been working with math problems when he discovered solution in bath. – Древнегреческий ученый Архимед работал над математическими задачами, когда открыл решение в ванной.

4 Before Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev had become famous around the world, he had been working as a university professor for some years. – До того как русский химик Дмитрий Менделеев стал известным во всем мире, несколько лет он работал университетским профессором.

5 Albert Einstein had been going to school in Munich for three years before he moved to Italy. – Альберт Эйнштейн в течение трех лет ходил в школу в Мюнхене, до того как переехал в Италию.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски прошедшим совершенным или прошедшим совершенно-продолженным временем.


1) Paul (decide) that he was going to study Astronomy before he even finished secondary school.

2) Before he got a promotion he (not/earn) enough to live comfortably.

3) Tom didn’t come with us last night because he (arrange) to go out with his colleagues after work.

4) Before they invented washing machines, people (wash) their clothes by hand for centuries.

5) Jill (wait) for half an hour before the bus came.

6) (Professor Sterling / already / announce) the names of the students who would be in his research team when she entered the class?

7) They (live) in Spain before they moved to London.

1) Paul had decided that he was going to study Astronomy before he even finished secondary school. – Пол решил, что он будет изучать астрономию до того, как он даже закончит среднюю школу.

2) Before he got a promotion he had not been earning enough to live comfortably. – До того как он получил продвижение, он зарабатывал достаточно для комфортной жизни.

3) Tom didn’t come with us last night because he had arranged to go out with his colleagues after work. – Том не пришел к нам прошлым вечером, потому что он договорился со своими коллегами куда-нибудь сходить после работы.

4) Before they invented washing machines, people had been washing their clothes by hand for centuries. – До того как изобрели стиральные машины, люди в течение многих веков стирали свои вещи вручную.

5) Jill had been waiting for half an hour before the bus came. – Джилл прождал полчаса до того, как прибыл автобус.

6) Professor Sterling had already announced the names of the students who would be in his research team when she entered the class? – Профессор Стерлинг уже объявил имена студентов, которые войдут в его исследовательскую команду, когда она вола в класс.

7) They had been living in Spain before they moved to London. – Они жили в Испании, до того как переехали в Лондон.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in each group into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect.
Упражнение 6. Поставьте глагол в простое прошедшее, прошедшее продолженное или прошедшее совершенное время.


1) make

a. Paul __ a phone call when I went into his office.
b. Paul had some coffee first and then he __ some phone calls.
с. Paul __ twenty phone calls by the time he left the office for the day.

2) get

a. As it __ dark, the boys decided to go home.
b. When it __ dark, all the lights in the park went on creating a beautiful atmosphere.
с. By the time the boys decided to return home, it __ so dark that they needed a torch to find their way.

3) perform

a. Dr Stephens __ an experiment while his students were watching him.
b. Dr Stephens __ a lot of experiments before he made an important discovery.
с. Two weeks ago Dr Stephens __ an experiment with the help of some university students.

4) fall

a. The baby __ asleep, as soon as we put her in her bed.
b. As the baby __ asleep, she was making some funny sounds.
с. The baby __ asleep by the time he got home and he didn’t want to wake her up.

5) read

a Laura __ the report many times before she gave it to her boss.
b. While Laura __ the report, her computer started making strange noises and stopped working.
с. Laura __ the report, switched off her computer and went home.

1) make – делать

a. Paul was making a phone call when I went into his office. – Пол совершал телефонные звонки, когда я зашел в офис.
b. Paul had some coffee first and then he made some phone calls. – Сначала Пол выпил кофе и потом сделал несколько телефонных звонков.
с. Paul had made twenty phone calls by the time he left the office for the day. – Пол сделал несколько телефонных звонков к тому времени, как он покинул офис.

2) get – становиться

a. As it was getting dark, the boys decided to go home. – Так как становилось темно, мальчики решили пойти домой.
b. When it got dark, all the lights in the park went on creating a beautiful atmosphere. – Когда стало темно, все фонари в парке включились, создавая красивую атмосферу.
с. By the time the boys decided to return home, it had gotten so dark that they needed a torch to find their way. – К тому времени как мальчики решили вернуться домой, стало так темно, им понадобился фонарик, чтобы найти путь.

3) perform

a. Dr Stephens was performing an experiment while his students were watching him. – Доктор Стивенс выполняла эксперимент, в то время как его студенты наблюдали за ним.
b. Dr Stephens had performed a lot of experiments before he made an important discovery. – Доктор Стивенс выполнил большое количество экспериментов, до как не совершил важное открытие.
с. Two weeks ago Dr Stephens performed an experiment with the help of some university students. – Две недели назад доктор Стивенс выполнил эксперимент с помощью некоторых студентов университета.

4) fall – падать

a. The baby fell asleep, as soon as we put her in her bed. – Ребенок уснул, как только мы положили его в кроватку.
b. As the baby was falling asleep, she was making some funny sounds. – Когда ребенок засыпал, он издавал смешные звуки.
с. The baby had fallen asleep by the time he got home and he didn’t want to wake her up. – Ребенок уснул к тому времени, как он вернулся домой и не захотел ее будить.

5) read

a Laura had read the report many times before she gave it to her boss. – Лаура много раз прочитала отчет, перед тем как отдала его начальнику.
b. While Laura was reading the report, her computer started making strange noises and stopped working. – В то время как Лаура читала отчет, ее компьютер начал издавать странные шумы и перестал работать.
с. Laura read the report, switched off her computer and went home. – Лаура прочла отчет, выключила компьютер и пошла домой.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in each group into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect.
Упражнение 7. Поставить глагол из скобок в прошедшее простое, прошедшее продолженное и прошедшее совершенное.


John (wake up) with a strange feeling that morning because he (see) something strange in his dream. He (not really/believe) in dreams but he couldn’t stop thinking about the one he (just/have). He (dream) that he was in a foreign country and he was having a meeting with some people he (not/know).

After he (get) ready, he (leave) for his office and (start) doing his work as usual. A few hours later Mr Fulham, his boss, (ask) to see him. John was nervous. He (think) that his boss would give him some bad news.

But he was completely wrong! Mr Fulham (decide) to give John a promotion and he (call) John into his office to give him the good news. He also told him that he was sending him to New York, where he could meet his colleagues from the central office.

John (never/feel) so happy in his life. He (decide) that from then on he would start paying more attention to his dreams!

John woke up with a strange feeling that morning because he saw something strange in his dream. He did not really believe in dreams but he couldn’t stop thinking about the one he had just had. He had dreamt that he was in a foreign country and he was having a meeting with some people he did not know.

Джон проснулся со странным чувством в то утро, потому что во сне он увидел что-то странное. На самом деле он не верил в сны, но он не мог перестать думать о том, который только что увидел. Ему приснилось, что он был в зарубежной стране и встречался с какими-то людьми, который он не знает.

After he got ready, he left for his office and started doing his work as usual. A few hours later Mr Fulham, his boss, asked to see him. John was nervous. He thought that his boss would give him some bad news.

После того как он приготовился, он отправился в офис и начал делать свою работу, как обычно. Через несколько часов господин Фулхам, его начальник, попросил зайти к нему. Джон нервничал. Он подумал, что его начальник сообщит какие-нибудь плохие новости.

But he was completely wrong! Mr Fulham had decided to give John a promotion and he had called John into his office to give him the good news. He also told him that he was sending him to New York, where he could meet his colleagues from the central office.

Он он совершенно ошибался! Господин Фулхам решил продвинуть Джона по службе и позвал Джона в свой офис, чтобы сообщить ему хорошие новости. Он также сказал ему, что он отправляет его в Нью-Йорк, где он сможет встретиться со своими коллегами из центрального офиса.

John had never felt so happy in his life. He decided that from then on he would start paying more attention to his dreams!

Джон никогда в жизни еще не чувствовал себя таким счастливым. Он решил, что с этого момента он будет уделять больше внимания своим снам!

Exercise 8. What had you already done by the time you left for school last Monday? Write four sentences.
Упражнение 8. Написать, что ты сделал, до того как пошел в школу в прошлый понедельник? Написать четыре предложения.


► I had already walked the dog.

► I had already walked the dog. – Я уже выгулял собаку.
► I had already eaten breakfast. – Я уже съел завтрак.
► I had already cleaned my room. – Я уже убрал комнату.
► I had already gone for a jog. – Я уже сходил на пробежку.
► I had already read the newspaper. – Я уже прочел газету.