Spotlight 11, Workbook, 7d

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7d.


Exercise 1. Fill in: master, aim, triumph, trap, fools, tools, loss, forced, unforgiving, worth.
Упражнение 1. Вставить: master, aim, triumph, trap, fools, tools, loss, forced, unforgiving, worth.


1) The __ was set. Now all he had to do was wait.
2) After crossing the finishing line in record time, the Kenyan athlete raised her arms in __.
3) The __ of the course is to improve students’ writing skills.
4) I’ve done four hours’ __ of work this morning.
5) They were clearly no __. They checked everything twice before signing the contract.
6) The thieves __ him to give them his money.
7) The archaeologists were keen on building the replica boat with traditional __.
8) As Margaret stood there watching her house burn down, she felt a deep sense of __.
9) The __ heat of the midday sun in the Sahara makes mere survival a real challenge.
10) The slaves were frightened of their __.

1) The trap was set. Now all he had to do was wait. – Капкан был установлен. Теперь все, что он должен был сделать, – это ждать.
2) After crossing the finishing line in record time, the Kenyan athlete raised her arms in triumph. – Преодолев финишную линию в рекордное время, Кенийская бегунша торжественно подняла руки.
3) The aim of the course is to improve students’ writing skills. – Целью курса является улучшение навыков письма студентов.
4) I’ve done four hours’ worth of work this morning. – Сегодня утром я четыре часа работал.
5) They were clearly no fools. They checked everything twice before signing the contract. – Очевидно, что они не были глупцами. Они дважды проверили все перед подписанием контракта.
6) The thieves forced him to give them his money. – Воры заставили его отдать им деньги.
7) The archaeologists were keen on building the replica boat with traditional tools. – Археологи хотели построить реплику корабля при помощи традиционных инструментов.
8) As Margaret stood there watching her house burn down, she felt a deep sense of loss. – Когда Маргарет стояла там и смотрела, как горит ее дом, она ощутила глубокое чувство утраты.
9) The unforgiving heat of the midday sun in the Sahara makes mere survival a real challenge. – Неумолимая жара полуденного солнца в Сахаре простое выживание превращает в серьезную задачу.
10) The slaves were frightened of their master. – Рабы боялись своего хозяина.

Exercise 2. Circle the correct preposition.
Упражнение 2. Отметьте правильный предлог.


1) When I was younger, I used to eat all the biscuits in the tin and blame it on / to my sister.
2) You should make allowance of / for Helen because she’s been under a lot of pressure lately.
3) Don’t give way for / to anger. You will only regret it later.
4) It took many years for Stanley to build up / on his computer business.
5) You must promise not to breathe a word to / about it to anyone.
6) Harry usually wakes up long after / since everyone else.
7) It can be difficult to hold up / on to hope in such tragic circumstances.

1) When I was younger, I used to eat all the biscuits in the tin and blame it on my sister. – Когда я был моложе, я обычно съедал всё печенье в банке и сваливал вину на сестру.
2) You should make allowance for Helen because she’s been under a lot of pressure lately. – Вы должны учесть, что Хэлен в последнее время находится в таком стрессе.
3) Don’t give way to anger. You will only regret it later. – Не поддавайтесь гневу. Позже вы будете только сожалеть.
4) It took many years for Stanley to build up his computer business. – У Стэнли заняло много времени построить свой компьютерный бизнес.
5) You must promise not to breathe a word about it to anyone. – Ты должен пообещать, что не проронишь и слова кому-либо об этом.
6) Harry usually wakes up long after everyone else. – Обычно Гарри просыпается после всех через много времени.
7) It can be difficult to hold on to hope in such tragic circumstances. – В Трагических ситуациях может быть трудно сохранять надежду.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective derived from the words in bold.
Упражнение 3. От данных слов образуйте правильное прилагательное.


1) She was the most (COURAGE) person that any of us had ever known.
2) Henry kept the whole class entertained with his (IMAGINE) tales.
3) Steven thanked her for her very (THINK) gift.
4) Although the work is quite difficult, he’s always cheerful and (COMPLAIN).
5) Many people become less (TOLERATE) of noise as they get older.
6) The photographers tried to maintain a (RESPECT) distance from the famous couple.
7) Amanda had a remarkably (PRODUCE) year in which she managed to write two novels.

1) She was the most courageous person that any of us had ever known. – Она была самым смелым человеком, которого кто-либо из нас когда-либо знал.
2) Henry kept the whole class entertained with his imaginative tales. – Генри развлекал весь класс своими историями, наполненными богатым воображением.
3) Steven thanked her for her very thoughtful gift. – Стивен поблагодарил ее за продуманный подарок.
4) Although the work is quite difficult, he’s always cheerful and uncomplaining. – Хотя работа весьма трудна, она всегда веселая и не жалуется.
5) Many people become less tolerant of noise as they get older. – Многие люди с возрастом становятся менее терпеливы к шуму.
6) The photographers tried to maintain a respectful distance from the famous couple. – Фотографы старались держаться на приличной дистанции от известной пары.
7) Amanda had a remarkably productive year in which she managed to write two novels. – У Аманды был весьма продуктивный год, в который они сумела написать два романа.

Exercise 4. Fill in: stoop, winnings, heap, keep her head, twisted, worn-out, impostors, virtues, the common touch, will.
Упражнение 4. Вставить: stoop, winnings, heap, keep her head, twisted, worn-out, impostors, virtues, the common touch, will.


1) His presidency had ended many years earlier, but it was clear that he still hadn’t lost __ .
2) Betty was able to __ and not panic.
3) The report gave a __ impression of what had really happened.
4) The doorways in old English cottages are often very low and you must __ in order to pass through them.
5) The two men were clearly __. They may have been dressed like policemen but their behaviour was suspicious.
6) Although he was in hospital for five months, Ted never lost the __ to live.
7) Like all teenagers, Terry leaves his clothes in a __ on the bedroom floor.
8) After a long day’s sightseeing, we were __. Everyone was asleep within five minutes of getting back to the hotel.
9) I have no idea what I’ll do with my __ yet. Buy a car, perhaps, or go on holiday.
10) Among her many __ are honesty, courage and patience.

1) His presidency had ended many years earlier, but it was clear that he still hadn’t lost the common touch . – Его председательство (президентство) закончилось много лет назад, но было ясно, что до сих пор не потерял доброжелательности.
2) Betty was able to keep her head and not panic. – Бетти смогла сохранить спокойствие духа и не паниковать.
3) The report gave a twisted impression of what had really happened. – Доклад формировал искаженное представление о том, что реально произошло.
4) The doorways in old English cottages are often very low and you must stoop in order to pass through them. – Дверные проемы в старые английские коттеджи часто такие низкие, что вы должны нагибаться, чтобы пройти через них.
5) The two men were clearly imposters. They may have been dressed like policemen but their behaviour was suspicious. – Эти двое мужчин явно были самозванцами. Они могли быть лишь одеты, как полицейские, но их поведение было подозрительным.
6) Although he was in hospital for five months, Ted never lost the will to live. – Хотя он пробыл в больнице в течение пяти месяцев, Тед не потерял волю к жизни.
7) Like all teenagers, Terry leaves his clothes in a heap on the bedroom floor. – Как и все подростки, Терри оставляет свою одежду кучей на полу в спальне.
8) After a long day’s sightseeing, we were worn-out. Everyone was asleep within five minutes of getting back to the hotel. – После долгого дня с осмотром достопримечательностей мы были измождены. Через пять минут после возвращения в гостиницу все спали.
9) I have no idea what I’ll do with my winnings yet. Buy a car, perhaps, or go on holiday. – Я понятия не имею, что буду делать с моим выигрышем. Может быть, куплю машину, или пойду в отпуск.
10) Among her many virtues are honesty, courage and patience. – Среди ее многих достоинств – честность, смелость и терпение.