Тренируем множественное число в английском языке.

Освойте единственное и множественное число в английском языке.

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1. He belongs to (woman-hater).
2. There are too many (mouse) in the barn.
3. Lions and tigers that eat people are called (man-eater).
4. I bought three (grouse) for dinner.
5. We met many (Japanese) on our holiday.
6. The first class passengers filed before the captain as solemn as (ox).
7. There seemed to be varying (criterium) for the treatment of passengers.
8. The (hanger-on) stared at us as though we were curious (phenomenon).
9. The (deer) were ravaging the man’s fields.
10. Her favourite flowers are (forget-me-not).
11. The girls are filling the watering tub for the cow and three (sheep).
12. I cast four times and had four (trout).
13. She isn’t one of those horrid regular (beauty).
14. There are many (goose) in the field.
15. You should clean your (tooth) every morning.
16. There were two (safe) in the corner.
17. She had a lot of exciting (experience) during her travels.
18. My favourite TV (series) are “Eastenders”.
19. Two (aircraft) are flying in the sky.
20. I hate (February).
21. There are five (fish) on the table.
22. He discovered many interesting (phenomenon) in this field.
23. There is no information about it in my (datum) base.
24. Such (crisis) may happen in any country.
25. By the time he got back, his (hair) had grown past his shoulders.
26. She gave me (advice) but I didn’t listen.
27. Can you give us any more (evidence)?
28. We had lots of exciting (experience) on our journey through Africa.
29. (Cattle) are kept for their meat.
30. There are two (hair) in-the soup.

1. He belongs to woman-haters. — Он принадлежит к женоненавистникам.

2. There are too many mice in the barn. — В сарае слишком много мышей.

3. Lions and tigers that eat people are called man-eaters. — Львы и тигры, которые едят людей, называются людоедами.

4. I bought three grouse for dinner. — Я купил на обед трех куропаток.

5. We met many Japanese on our holiday. — В отпуске мы встретили много японцев.

6. The first class passengers filed before the captain as solemn as oxen. — Пассажиры первого класса проходили перед капитаном с торжественностью быков.

7. There seemed to be varying criteria for the treatment of passengers. — Кажется, что для обслуживания клиентов критерии варьируются.

8. The hangers-on stared at us as though we were curious phenomena. — Навязчивые нищие смотрели на нас, как будто мы были любопытными явлениями.

9. The deer were ravaging the man’s fields. — Олени опустошали поля человека.

10. Her favourite flowers are forget-me-nots. — Ее любимые цветы — это незабудки.

11. The girls are filling the watering tub for the cow and three sheep. — Девушки наполняют водой бак для коровы и трех овец.

12. I cast four times and had four trout. — Я четыре раза закидывал удочку и выловил четыре форели.

13. She isn’t one of those horrid regular beauties. — Она не одна из тех ужасных обычных красавиц.

14. There are many geese in the field. — В поле много гусей.

15. You should clean your teeth every morning. — Тебе следует чистить зубы каждое утро.

16. There were two safes in the corner. — В углу стояли три сейфа.

17. She had a lot of exciting experiences during her travels. — Во время путешествий у было много восхитительных переживаний.

18. My favourite TV series are “Eastenders”. — Мой любимый сериал — это «Жители Ист-Энда».

19. Two aircraft are flying in the sky. — В небе летят два воздушных судна.

20. I hate Februarys. — Я не люблю феврали.

21. There are five fish on the table. — На столе пять рыб.

22. He discovered many interesting phenomena in this field. — В этой области он открыл много интересных явлений.

23. There is no information about it in my data base. — В моей базе данных нет никакой информации об этом.

24. Such crises may happen in any country. — Такие кризисы могут происходить в любой стране.

25. By the time he got back, his hair had grown past his shoulders. — К моменту своего возвращения его волосы отросли до плеч.

26. She gave me advice but I didn’t listen. — Она давала мне советы, но я не слушал.

27. Can you give us any more evidence? — Ты можешь предоставить нам еще доказательства?

28. We had lots of exciting experiences on our journey through Africa. — Во время своего путешествия по Африке у нас было много восхитительных переживаний.

29. Cattle are kept for their meat. — Крупный рогатый скот разводят для мяса.

30. There are two hairs in-the soup. — В супе два волоска.