Отработка единственного и множественного числа в английском.

Освойте единственное и множественное число в английском языке.

Поставьте глагол в правильные форму, учитывая единственное и множественное число существительного.


1. My trousers (to clean) now.
2. Do you know what the news (to be)?
3. The ashes (to be) still hot.
4. The job is unpaid, but a number of persons (to be) willing to undertake it.
5. The number of foreign students at the University (to be) small.
6. The clergy (to be) generally dressed in black.
7. The Government (to discuss) the matter for a long time but they have shown no signs of reaching agreement.
8. The Government (to decide) to pass the bill.
9. He was reserved concerning himself but a fluent talker when politics (to be) under discussion.
10. Politics always (to interest) me.
11. Ethics (to be) a difficult study.
12. The company (to find) shelter from the rain in the village inn. They are going to have lunch there.
13. A couple of my friends (to set up) a new business.
14. That day the committee (to be) to meet at her friend’s house.
15. I had to find out whether the committee (to be) competent enough to consider the project.
16. My family (to be) at table.
17. Close by, a group of men (to sit). They kept the waiter busy with their orders.
18. The poultry (to be) in the yard.
19. The board (to be) extraordinarily kind to you.
20. The board (to be) going to consider your application at the next sitting.
21. There (to be) a few little craft anchored in the harbour.
22. The staff (to be) all gathered in the main office when I came.
23. His staff (to be) very small. I don’t know how he managed to do any business at all.
24. Bad news (to travel) fast.
25. His advice always (to be) useful to me.
26. Of all the girls he phoned none (to be) at home.
27. None of us (to be) sure of the facts.
28. None of his family (to be) yet up.
29. 20% of the city (to be) damaged.
30. 20% of the houses (to be) damaged.
31. The customs (to be) built 3 years ago.
32. Bacon and eggs (to make) a traditional English breakfast.

1. My trousers are being cleaned now. — Мои брюки сейчас чистятся.

2. Do you know what the news is? — Ты знаешь, какие новости?

3. The ashes are still hot. — Пепел все еще жаркий.

4. The job is unpaid, but a number of persons are willing to undertake it. — Эта работа не оплачивается, но ряд людей хотят заняться ей.

5. The number of foreign students at the University is small. — Число иностранных студентов в университете невелико.

6. The clergy are generally dressed in black. — Духовенство обычно одето в черное.

7. The Government have discussed (или have been discussing) the matter for a long time but they have shown no signs of reaching agreement. — Правительство обсуждает этот вопрос уже долгое время, но пока еще не проявили никаких признаков достижения согласия.

8. The Government has decided to pass the bill. — Правительство решило принять законопроект.

9. He was reserved concerning himself but a fluent talker when politics were under discussion. — Он был сдержан в отношении себя, но ярым оратором, когда обсуждалась политика.

10. Politics has always interested me. — Меня всегда интересовала политика.

11. Ethics is a difficult study. — Этика — это трудное учение.

12. The company have found shelter from the rain in the village inn. They are going to have lunch there. — Компания нашла убежище от дождя в деревенской гостинице. Они собираются пообедать там.

13. A couple of my friends have set up a new business. — Пара моих друзей основали новый бизнес.

14. That day the committee was to meet at her friend’s house. — В тот день в ее доме должен был собраться комитет.

15. I had to find out whether the committee were competent enough to consider the project. — Я должен был выяснить, был ли комитет достаточно компетентен для рассмотрения этого проекта.

16. My family are at table. — Моя семья сидит за столом.

17. Close by, a group of men were sitting. They kept the waiter busy with their orders. — Рядом сидела группа мужчин. Они активно заказывали что-то официанту.

18. The poultry are in the yard. — Во дворе находится птица.

19. The board are (или are being) extraordinarily kind to you. — Совет чрезвычайно добр к вам.

20. The board is going to consider your application at the next sitting. — Совет рассмотрит твое заявление на следующем заседании.

21. There are (или were) a few little craft anchored in the harbour. — В порту стоят (стояли) на якоре несколько маленьких суда.

22. The staff were all gathered in the main office when I came. — Когда я пришел, персонал весь собрался в главном офисе.

23. His staff is (или was) very small. I don’t know how he managed to do any business at all. — Его персонал очень мал. Я не знаю, как ему удается вообще делать какой-то бизнес.

24. Bad news travels fast. — Плохие новости быстро разносятся.

25. His advice always has always been useful to me. — Его советы всегда были для меня полезны.

26. Of all the girls he phoned none were at home. — Из все девушек, которым он звонил, никто не был дома.

27. None of us were sure of the facts. — Никто из нас не был уверен в фактах.

28. None of his family is (или was) yet up. — Никто из членов семьи еще не встал.

29. 20% of the city was damaged. — 20% города было разрушено.

30. 20% of the houses were damaged. — 20% домов было разрушено.

31. The customs were built 3 years ago. — Таможня была построена 3 года назад.

32. Bacon and eggs makes a traditional English breakfast. — Яйца с беконом составляют традиционный британский завтрак.