
Раскройте скобки, поставив местоимение в нужной форме.


1. Aunt Isabella is a very kind person. We often go with (she) to the city.
2. Diana likes to go with (we) to the movies a lot.
3. Mark’s sister often helps (he) with his homework.
4. Do you like your neighbours? Yes, I like (they).
5. Your father loves you dearly. He gives many presents to (you).
6. I saw (he) last Friday.
7. Barbara is annoying. She writes many letters to (I).
8. Sue is hungry. This salad is for (she).
9. Prof. Wilson teaches (we) French and Spanish.
10. My relatives love my daughter very much. I see (they) nearly every day.

1. Aunt Isabella is a very kind person. We often go with her to the city. — Тетя Изабелла очень добрый человек. Мы часто ходим с ней в город.

2. Diana likes to go with us to the movies a lot. — Диана очень любит ходить с нами в кино.

3. Mark’s sister often helps him with his homework. — Сестра Марка часто помогает ему с домашней работой.

4. Do you like your neighbours? Yes, I like them. — Тебе нравятся твои соседи? Да, они мне очень нравятся.

5. Your father loves you dearly. He gives many presents to you. — Твой отец очень тебя любит. Он дарит тебе много подарков.

6. I saw him last Friday. — Я видел его в прошлую пятницу.

7. Barbara is annoying. She writes many letters to me. — Барбара надоедает. Она пишет мне много писем.

8. Sue is hungry. This salad is for her. — Сью голодна. Этот салат для нее.

9. Prof. Wilson teaches us French and Spanish. — Профессор Уильсон обучает нас французскому и испанскому.

10. My relatives love my daughter very much. I see them nearly every day. — Мои родственники очень любят мою дочь. Я вижу их почти каждый день.