
Вставьте, где необходимо, нужный артикль:


1. Jim took courses in ______ art and ______ literature.
2. Nana’s ______ sorrow turned to ______ joy.
3. Were ______ news and ______ journalism important to their friends?
4. Donald has been having nothing but ______ bad luck.
5. ______ policeman felt ______ compassion for the lost child.
6. Gisela doesn’t have ______ patience to do crossword puzzles.
7. Pete is looking for ______ job in ______ advertising.
8. Ramon was unable to walk ______ streets without ______ fear of being mugged.
9. Bob played a lot of ______ football in college.
10. Luke’s degree is in ______ philosophy and ______ religion.

1. Jim took courses in (-) art and (-) literature. — Джим прошел курсы по искусству и литературе.

2. Nana’s (-) sorrow turned to (-) joy. — Печаль Наны превратилась в радость.

3. Were (-) news and (-) journalism important to their friends? — Были ли важны новости и журналистика для их друзей?

4. Donald has been having nothing but (-) bad luck. — В Дональдом приключается исключительно беда.

5. The policeman felt (-) compassion for the lost child. — Полицейский сочувствовал потерявшемуся ребенку.

6. Gisela doesn’t have the patience to do crossword puzzles. — У Гизелы не хватало терпения решать головоломки.

7. Pete is looking for a job in (-) advertising. — Пит ищет работу в рекламе.

8. Ramon was unable to walk the streets without (-) fear of being mugged. — Рамон не мог гулять по улице без страха быть ограбленным.

9. Bob played a lot of (-) football in college. — Боб много играл в футбол в колледже.

10. Luke’s degree is in (-) philosophy and (-) religion. — У Люка степень по философии и религии.