Упражнение на настоящие времена

Выполните упражнение на отработку настоящих времен (present tenses) английского языка.

Выберите правильный вариант.


1. We _____ early in the morning. I have booked a taxi in order not to miss the train.
1) leave
2) have left
3) have been leaving
4) are leaving

2. He _____ Mr. Brown at his office on the 25th.
1) meets
2) has met
3) is meeting
4) has been meeting

3. What a beautiful rose! It _____ wonderful!
1) is smelling
2) smells
3) has been smelling
4) has smelled

— Why are you out of breath?
— I _____ for half an hour.
1) ran
2) have been running
3) am running
4) have run

5. It _____ all night. There are huge pools everywhere.
1) has been raining
2) is raining
3) has rained
4) rains

6. It’s the third time the telephone _____ this morning.
1) rings
2) has been ringing
3) is ringing
4) has rung

7. We _____ for six hours already, but we haven’t reached the top of the mountain yet.
1) are climbing
2) climb
3) have been climbing
4) have climbed

8. Don’t come in. He is taking an exam. He _____ his exam for half an hour already.
1) takes
2) has been taking
3) is taking
4) has taken

9. Your words _____ encouraging.
1) sound
2) have sounded
3) sounds
4) are sounding

10. We _____ for coffee tonight.
1) meet
2) are meeting
3) have met
4) have been meeting

1. We are leaving early in the morning. I have booked a taxi in order not to miss the train.- Мы уезжаем рано утром. Я заказал такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.

2. He is meeting Mr. Brown at his office on the 25th. — Он встречается с господином Брауном в его офисе 25-го числа.

3. What a beautiful rose! It smells wonderful! — Какая красивая роза! Она замечательно пахнет!

— Why are you out of breath? — Почему ты запыхался?
— I have been running for half an hour. — Я бегал в течение получаса.

5. It has been raining all night. There are huge pools everywhere. — Всю ночь идет дождь.

6. It’s the third time the telephone has rung this morning. — Уже третий раз за сегодняшнее утро звонит телефон.

7. We have been climbing for six hours already, but we haven’t reached the top of the mountain yet. — Мы поднимаемся уже шесть часов, но еще не достигли вершины горы.

8. Don’t come in. He is taking an exam. He has been taking his exam for half an hour already. — Не входи. Он сдает экзамен. Он уже полчаса сдает экзамен.

9. Your words sound encouraging. — Твои слова звучат ободряюще.

10. We are meeting for coffee tonight. — Сегодня вечером мы встречаемся, чтобы выпить кофе.