Упражнение на прошедшие времена

Выполните упражнение на отработку прошедших времен (past tenses) английского языка.

Поставьте глагол в правильное время.


1. By the time he (graduate) from the university, he (study) two oriental languages: Chinese and Japanese.
2. Eric, who (pace) the room, (stop) behind the chair and (lean) on it, when his father (tell) him to come up to his desk.
3. The wind (blow) off his hat and now it was rolling down the street.
4. The wind (blow) off his hat and it rolled down the street.
5. By the time Peter (leave) school, he (speak) German fluently.
6. He (drive) the car for many hours before they (come) to the cross roads.
7. When I (arrive) he (stay) at the same hotel where we first (meet).
8. The scientists (carry out) dozens of experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results.
9. Jim’s way (lie) in the woods. He (walk) slowly. The leaves (fall off) the trees down onto the ground.
10. They (be) friends for some 10 years before I (meet) them.
11. Hardly he (touch) the pillow when he (fall asleep).
12. We (have) to stay at the station for the night because we (miss) the last train.
13. When Gemma (finish) reading the letter she (understand) that she (lose) Arthur for ever.
14. It was haymaking time. The farmers (work) in the fields, their children (help) them.
15. At last the postman (bring) the letter which I (expect) several weeks.
16. He (write) and (tear up) more than one letter when at last he (find) the necessary form of address.
17. Last night he (complete) the experiment which he (begin) some months before.
18. No sooner she (open) the drawer than she (find) the photo which she (think) she (lose) long before.
19. Everybody (be) at the station but the guide (not come) yet.
20. He told her he (see) the film she (recommend).
21. This castle has stood on this spot since it (be built) a hundred years ago.
22. Yesterday I (receive) a phone call from an old friend who I (not/hear) from for months.
23. Yesterday evening Jane (miss) the 6 o’clock train because she (work) late at the office.
24. All the roads were blocked: it (snow) all night long.

1. By the time he graduated from the university, he had studied two oriental languages: Chinese and Japanese. — К тому моменту, как он окончил университет, он изучил два восточных языка.

2. Eric, who had been pacing the room, had stopped behind the chair and was leaning on it, when his father told him to come up to his desk. — Эрик, который шагал по комнате, остановился за креслом и опирался на него, когда его отец попросил его подойти к письменному столу.

3. The wind had blown off his hat and now it was rolling down the street. — Ветер сдул его шляпу, и теперь она катилась по дороге.

4. The wind blew off his hat and it rolled down the street. — Ветер сдул его шляпу, и она покатилась по дороге.

5. By the time Peter left school, he had spoken German fluently. — К тому времени как Питер окончил школу, он свободно говорил на немецком языке.

6. He had been driving the car for many hours before they came to the cross roads. — Он уже много часов ехал на машине, когда они подъехали к перекрестку.

7. When I arrived he was staying at the same hotel where we had first met. — Когда я прибыл, он находился в том же самом отеле, где мы впервые встретились.

8. The scientists had carried out dozens of experiments before they achieved satisfactory results. — Ученые выполнили дюжины экспериментов до того, как достигли удовлетворительных результатов.

9. Jim’s way lay in the woods. He was walking slowly. The leaves were falling off the trees down onto the ground. — Путь Джима пролегал через лес. Он медленно шел. Листья опадали на землю.

10. They had been friends for some 10 years before I met them. — Они были друзьями уже десять лет до того, как я познакомился с ними.

11. Hardly had he touched the pillow when he fell asleep. — Едва он коснулся подушки, как сразу уснул.

12. We had to stay at the station for the night because we had missed the last train. — Нам пришлось остаться на станции на ночь, потому что мы опоздали на поезд.

13. When Gemma finished reading the letter she understood that she had lost Arthur for ever. — Когда Джемма закончила чтение письма, она поняла, что потеряла Артура навеки.

14. It was haymaking time. The farmers were working in the fields, their children were helping them. — Был период сенокоса. Фермеры работали в полях, а их дети помогали им.

15. At last the postman brought the letter which I had been expecting several weeks. — Наконец почтальон принес письмо, которое он ожидал в течение нескольких недель.

16. He had written and torn up more than one letter when at last he found the necessary form of address. — Он написал и порвал не одно письмо, пока наконец не нашел нужную форму обращения.

17. Last night he completed the experiment which he had begun some months before. — Прошлым вечером он завершил эксперимент, который он начал несколько месяцев назад.

18. No sooner had she opened the drawer than she found the photo which she thought she had lost long before. — Едва она открыла выдвижной ящик, как увидела фотографию, которую, как она думала, потеряла задолго до этого.

19. Everybody was at the station but the guide had not come yet. — Все были на станции, но сопровождающий еще не подошел.

20. He told her he had seen the film she had recommended. — Он сказал ей, что посмотрел фильм, который она порекомендовала.

21. This castle has stood on this spot since it was built a hundred years ago. — Этот замок стоит на этом месте с того момента, как был построен сто лет назад.

22. Yesterday I received a phone call from an old friend who I had not heard from for months. — Вчера мне позвонил старый друг, от которого я уже многие месяцы не получал вестей.

23. Yesterday evening Jane missed the 6 o’clock train because she had been working late at the office. — Вчера вечером Джейн опоздала на 6-ти часовой поезд, потому что работала допоздна в офисе.

24. All the roads were blocked: it had been snowing all night long. — Все дороги были заблокированы — всю ночь шел снег.