
Упражнение на прошедшее простое прошедшее время (past simple).

Задайте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.


1. He last went to London in February.
2. The students understood the English film very well.
3. It took them three days to finish the job.
4. I stayed in Holiday Inn when I was in London.
5. We last had a meeting a week ago.
6. They began the discussion at exactly ten.
7. I got there by the eleven bus.
8. We lived in Canada ten years ago.

1. He last went to London in February.
When did he last go to London? – Когда он последний раз ездил в Лондон?

2. The students understood the English film very well.
How well did the students understand the English film? – Как хорошо студенты поняли этот фильм на английском?

3. It took them three days to finish the job.
How long did it take them to finish the job? – Как много у них ушло на то, чтобы закончить работу?

4. I stayed in Holiday Inn when I was in London.
Where did you stay when you were in London? – Где вы останавливались, когда были в Лондоне?

5. We last had a meeting a week ago.
When did we/you last have a meeting? – Когда мы/вы последний раз проводили собрание?

6. They began the discussion at exactly ten.
What time did they begin the discussion? – В какое время они начали обсуждение?

7. I got there by the eleven bus.
How did you get there? – Как вы добрались до туда?

8. We lived in Canada ten years ago.
Where did you live ten years ago? – Где вы жили десять лет назад?