
Упражнение на прошедшее простое прошедшее время (past simple).

Сделайте высказывания отрицательными.


1. He was on holiday last month.
2. He went to Scotland for his holiday.
3. They bought this house twenty years ago.
4. John wanted to talk to you about that.
5. They were very tired after their journey.
6. I liked yesterday’s show very much.

1. He was on holiday last month.
He wasn’t on holiday last month. – Он не был в отпуске в прошлом месяце.

2. He went to Scotland for his holiday.
He didn’t go to Scotland for his holiday. – Он не ездил в Шотландию в отпуск.

3. They bought this house twenty years ago.
They didn’t buy this house twenty years ago. – Он не покупали дом 20 лет назад.

4. John wanted to talk to you about that.
John didn’t want to talk to you about that. – Джон не хотел говорить с тобой об этом.

5. They were very tired after their journey.
They weren’t very tired after their journey. – Они не были слишком усталыми после поездки.

6. I liked yesterday’s show very much.
I didn’t like yesterday’s show very much. – Мне очень понравилось вчерашнее шоу.