Упражнение на страдательный залог

Прокачайте страдательный залог, выполнив упражнение (с ответами).

Выберите правильный предложение в страдательном залоге, соответствующее исходному предложению в действительном залоге.


1. People believe that terrorists killed him.
1) He is believed to be killed by terrorists.
2) He was believed to have been killed by terrorists.
3) He is believed to have been killed by terrorists.
4) He was believed to be killed by terrorists.

2. Nobody has used this room for ages.
1) This room hasn’t been used for ages.
2) This room wasn’t used for ages.
3) This room hadn’t been used for ages.
4) This room wasn’t being used for ages.

3. Someone is following us.
1) We are followed.
2) We were being followed.
3) We have been followed.
4) We are being followed.

4. They are to send letters to the leaders of charitable organizations.
1) The leaders of charitable organizations are to be sent letters.
2) Letters are sent to the leaders of charitable organizations.
3) Letters are to be sent to the leaders of charitable organizations.
4) The leaders of charitable organizations are to sent letters.

5. We know that you were in town on the night of the crime.
1) You were known to be in town on the night of the crime.
2) You are known to have been in town on the night of the crime.
3) You were known to have been in town on the night of the crime.
4) You are known to be in town on the night of the crime.

6. I’m employing a man to tile the bathroom.
1) The man is being employing to tile the bathroom.
2) I’m having the bathroom tiled.
3) The man is employed to tile the bathroom.
4) I have the bathroom being tiled.

7. We thought Sue had paid too much.
1) Sue was thought to have paid too much.
2) Sue is thought to have been paid too much.
3) Sue was thought to pay too much.
4) Sue is thought to have paid too much.

8. They believe Peter is living in Moscow.
1) Peter is believed to live in Moscow.
2) Peter was believed to be living in Moscow.
3) Peter are believed to be living in Moscow.
4) Peter is believed to be living in Moscow.

9. Someone saw him pick up the gun.
1) He is seen to have picked up the gun.
2) He was seen to pick up the gun.
3) He was seen to have picked up the gun.
4) He is seen to pick up the gun.

10. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake.
1) A terrible mistake is seemed to make.
2) A terrible mistake seems to have been made.
3) A terrible mistake seems to be made.
4) A terrible mistake seemed to have made.

1. People believe that terrorists killed him. — Люди считают, что террористы убили его.
He is believed to have been killed by terrorists. — Считается, что он убит террористами.

2. Nobody has used this room for ages. — Уже сто лет никто не пользовался этой комнатой.
This room hasn’t been used for ages. — Эта комната уже сто лет не используется.

3. Someone is following us. — Кто-то следует за нами.
We are being followed. — За нами следуют.

4. They are to send letters to the leaders of charitable organizations. — Они должны отправить письма руководителям благотворительных организаций.
Letters are to be sent to the leaders of charitable organizations. — Письмо надо отправить руководителям благотворительных организаций.

5. We know that you were in town on the night of the crime. — Мы знаем, что ты был в городе в ночь преступления.
You are known to have been in town on the night of the crime. — Известно, что ты был в городе в ночь преступления.

6. I’m employing a man to tile the bathroom. — Я нанимаю человека, чтобы выложить плиткой ванную комнату.
I’m having the bathroom tiled. — Мне выкладывают плиткой ванную.

7. We thought Sue had paid too much. — Мы подумали, что Сью заплатила слишком много.
Sue was thought to have paid too much. — Думали, что Сью заплатила слишком много.

8. They believe Peter is living in Moscow. — Они полагают, что Питер живет в Москве.
Peter is believed to be living in Moscow. — Полагают, что Питер живет в Москве.

9. Someone saw him pick up the gun. — Кто-то видел, как он берет ружье.
He was seen to pick up the gun. — Видели, как он берет ружье.

10. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake. — Кажется, кто-то допустил большую ошибку.
A terrible mistake seems to have been made. — Кажется, кто-то допустил большую ошибку.