
Упражнение на страдательный залог .

Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя пассивный залог и используя выделенные слова в качестве подлежащего.


1. They will build a stadium here in the near future.
2. The earthquake ruined several big cities.
3. Storms and floods have done a lot of damage.
4. The best athletes will represent the club at the Games.
5. We are still discussing your proposal.
6. They were signing the contract when the press arrived.
7. Somebody introduced me to Dr Jones last year.
8. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
9. They will not admit children under six to the figure skating school.
10. People are spending much more money on food than they used to.

1. They will build a stadium here in the near future.
A stadium will be built here in the near future. — В недалеком будущем здесь будет построен стадион.

2. The earthquake ruined several big cities.
Several big cities were ruined by the earthquake. — Несколько больших городов были разрушены землетрясением.

3. Storms and floods have done a lot of damage.
A lot of damage has been done by storms and floods. — Большое количество ущерба было причинено ураганами и наводнениями.

4. The best athletes will represent the club at the Games.
The club will be represented by the best athletes at the Games. — На играх клуб будет представлен лучшими атлетами.

5. We are still discussing your proposal.
Your proposal’s still being discussed. — Ваше предложение все еще обсуждается.

6. They were signing the contract when the press arrived.
The contract was being signed when the press arrived. — Подписывался контракт, когда прибыла пресса.

7. Somebody introduced me to Dr Jones last year.
I was introduced to Dr Jones last year. — В прошлом году меня представили доктору Джонсу.

8. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
These artificial flowers are made of silk. — Эти искусственные цветы сделаны из шелка.

9. They will not admit children under six to the figure skating school.
Children under six won’t be admitted to the figure skating school. — Дети младше шести лет не принимаются в школу фигурного катания.

10. People are spending much more money on food than they used to.
Much more money is being spent on food now than before. — Сейчас больше денег тратится на еду, чем раньше.