
Упражнение на степени сравнения прилагательных.

Выберите правильный вариант.


1. His room was ___ than we expected.
A. tidyer
B. tidier
C. tidiest
D. tider

2. My house is ___ than yours.
A. bigger
B. biger
C. the most big
D. the biggest

3. This flower is ___ than that one.
A. the most beautiful
B. beautiful
C. more beautiful
D. beautifuler

4. It is strange but often a coke is ___ than a beer.
A. expensiver
B. more expensive
C. more expensiver
D. the expensivest

5. The roads in the countryside were ___ than in the city, so we had to drive slower.
A. wet
B. wetter
C. weter
D. the wettest

6. ___ way to cook chicken is to roast it.
A. the easiest
B. the easyest
C. the most easy
D. the most easiest

7. The weather this summer is even ___ than last summer.
A. bad
B. worse
C. worst
D. bader

8. Non-smokers usually live ___ than smokers.
A. longger
B. more long
C. more longer
D. longer

9. This is the ___ book I have ever read.
A. most interestingest
B. interestingest
C. more interesting
D. most interesting

10. Who is the ___ woman on earth?
A. richhest
B. most rich
C. richest
D. most richest

1. His room was tidier than we expected. — Ее комната была более убрана, чем я ожидал.

2. My house is bigger than yours. — Мой дом больше, чем твой.

3. This flower is more beautiful than that one. — Этот цветов более красив, чем тот.

4. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer. — Странно, но часто кока-кола дороже пива.

5. The roads in the countryside were wetter than in the city, so we had to drive slower. — Дороге в сельской местности были более мокрыми, чем в городе, так что нам пришлось ехать медленнее.

6. The easiest way to cook chicken is to roast it. — Самый легкий способ приготовить курицу — это зажарить ее.

7. The weather this summer is even worse than last summer. — Погода этим летом даже хуже, чем прошлым летом.

8. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers. — Некурящие обычно живут дольше курильщиков.

9. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. — Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал.

10. Who is the richest woman on earth? — Кто самая богатая женщина на земле?