Прокачка неличных форм глагола в английском языке

Отработайте употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке.

Используйте правильную неличную форму глагола.


1. They stared at each other, Bill still standing with his tea cup and Paul (to stretch) out in the chair.
2. The snow never stopped (to fall) that afternoon. It was dreadful to be outdoors.
3. Then we strolled round the place watching preparations (to make) to set up the tent.
4. The thought came (to flash) into his mind.
5. (to find) them in so short a time would have been next to impossible.
6. He was accustomed to (to sleep) through the morning noises of the neighbourhood.
7. He was beyond (to care) about what was going to happen to him.
8. “I can’t see what my (to divorce) three times has to do with my books,” she said.
9. (to waste) gradually his small fortune, he preferred to live on the generosity of others rather than (to work).
10. I’ve seen many a man ruined through (to have) extravagant habits.
11. She woke at half past ten in the morning (to find) her husband gone.
12. There were several ships (to anchor) in the harbour.
13. My uncle kept (to try) to induce me to take an interest in carpentry.
14. Not (to read) your letters, I haven’t got the faintest idea what you’re talking about.
15. It might be worth (to try).
16. He was sitting with his hands (to clasp) round his knee.
17. The buildings were kept (to paint) and in repair by a group of workmen.
18. She couldn’t help (to bring) into her conversation the names of the people she knew.

1. They stared at each other, Bill still standing with his tea cup and Paul stretched out in the chair. — Они пристально смотрели друг на друга. Билл стоял с чашкой чая, а Пол расположился в кресле.

2. The snow never stopped falling that afternoon. It was dreadful to be outdoors. — В тот день снег не переставал идти. Находиться на улице было страшно.

3. Then we strolled round the place watching preparations being made to set up the tent. — Затем мы прогулялись вокруг, наблюдая за производимыми приготовлениями к установке палатки.

4. The thought came flashing into his mind. — Эта мысль пронзила его разум.

5. To find them in so short a time would have been next to impossible. — В следующий раз найти их за такое короткое время будет невозможно.

6. He was accustomed to sleeping through the morning noises of the neighbourhood. — Он привык спать при утреннем шуме в районе.

7. He was beyond caring about what was going to happen to him. — Ему было все равно, что с ним происходит.

8. “I can’t see what my having been divorced three times has to do with my books,” she said. — «Я не вижу, в чем связь между моими тремя разводами и моими книгами», — сказала она.

9. Having wasted gradually his small fortune, he preferred to live on the generosity of others rather than work. — Постепенно растратив свое состояние, он предпочел жить за счет щедрости других, а не работать.

10. I’ve seen many a man ruined through having extravagant habits. — Я видел многих людей, загубленных из-за своих экстравагантных привычек.

11. She woke at half past ten in the morning to find her husband gone. — Она проснулась в половине одиннадцатого утра и обнаружила, что ее муж ушел.

12. There were several ships ancored in the harbour. — В гаване на якоре стояли несколько кораблей.

13. My uncle kept trying to induce me to take an interest in carpentry. — Мой дядя продолжал пытаться заинтересовать меня плотничьим делом.

14. Not having read your letters, I haven’t got the faintest idea what you’re talking about. — Не прочитав твое письмо, у меня нет и малейшей мысли, о чем ты говоришь.

15. It might be worth trying. — Может, стоит попробовать.

16. He was sitting with his hands clasped round his knee. — Он сидел, обхватив колени руками.

17. The buildings were kept painted and in repair by a group of workmen. — Здания ремонтировались группой рабочих.

18. She couldn’t help bringing into her conversation the names of the people she knew. — Она не могла не упомянуть в разговоре имена людей, которых она знала.