You are on the French language course page for beginners. During this course, you will learn to read in French, master the most common French words and basic French grammar. This course will lay a solid foundation for further improvement in the French language.
Learning to Read French
Lesson 1. Letters a, à, p, b, t, d, f, ph, v, w, m, n.
Lesson 2. Letters e, è, ê, ai, ei, l.
Lesson 3. Letters s, ss, c, z.
Lesson 5. Letters i, î, ï, ill, il, у.
Lesson 6. Letters c, qu, k, x, g, gu, o.
Lesson 8. Letters ch, g, j, â.
Lesson 9. Letters eu, œu, x, u, û, ui, ue, ua, ueu.
Lesson 10. Letters in, im, ain, aim, ein, un, um.