Прокачка английских времен

Выполните упражнение на английские времена действительного и страдательного залога и сверьтесь с ответом.

Образуйте правильную форму глагола.


1. The teacher told the student to look up the rule himself as it (to explain) many times. He (to be) inattentive while it (to explain).
2. When I went into the cinema, a new film (to show). I was sorry that I (not to tell) about the show before and was late for the beginning as the end (to impress) me greatly.
3. A new stadium (to build) opposite our house lately, and my brother says that the number of people taking part in sporting events there (to increase).
4. This journal (to be) in great demand. If you wish to have it, go to the book-shop in Fleet Street today. It (to sell) there now.
5. You (to look) for your gloves? Ask the attendant, some gloves (to pick up) and (to give) to him a few minutes ago.
6. As it was rather noisy in the room when I went in, I couldn’t make out what (to discuss). From the words which I caught on coming close to them, I understood that recent sporting events (to speak about).
7. The boy (to tell) that he (not to allow) to go out until his homework (to do) carefully.
8. The mother (to tell) not to worry about her sick boy. “He (to examine) soon by the doctor. Everything (to be) all right, I’m sure,” said the nurse.
9. I (to tell) just that the documents for my business trip (to prepare) now, but they (not to be ready) until the manager (to look) through them.
10. The workers (to give) their word that production (to increase) by May.
11. Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room all the guests (to introduce) to each other, some of them (to dance) and some (to sing) in the next room.
12. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.
13. There used to be a church in that square. I didn’t know it (to ruin).
14. You know mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.
15. I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait. The hall (to air) now.
16. By the time I returned from work, my new washing machine (deliver).
17. When I looked for my television set I couldn’t find it. I forgot it (repair).
18. Не (take) to the hospital when the ambulance crashed.
19. The search was called off. The escaped criminal (find).
20. I didn’t go to her party because I (not/invite).

1. The teacher told the student to look up the rule himself as it had been explained many times. He was inattentive while it was being explained. — Учитель сказал учащемуся самостоятельно посмотреть правило, поскольку оно объяснялось уже много раз. Он был невнимателен в тот момент, когда оно объяснялось.

2. When I went into the cinema, a new film was being shown. I was sorry that I hadn’t been told about the show before and was late for the beginning as the end impressed me greatly. — Когда я зашел в кинотеатр, показывался новый фильм. Мне было жаль, что мне не сказали раньше о показе и я опоздал на начало, так как конец фильма меня очень впечатлил.

3. A new stadium has been built opposite our house lately, and my brother says that the number of people taking part in sporting events there has increased. — Недавно напротив нашего дома был построен новый стадион, и мой брат говорит, число людей, принимающих участие в спортивных событиях там, возросло.

4. This journal is in great demand. If you wish to have it, go to the book-shop in Fleet Street today. It is being sold there now. — Это журнал пользуется большим спросом. Если ты желаешь его приобрести, иди сегодня в книжный магазин на Флит Стрит.

5. You are you looking for your gloves? Ask the attendant, some gloves were picked up and given to him a few minutes ago. — Ты ищешь свои перчатки? Спроси у обслуживающего персонала, несколько перчаток были подняты и отданы ему несколько минут назад.

6. As it was rather noisy in the room when I went in, I couldn’t make out what was being discussed. From the words which I caught on coming close to them, I understood that recent sporting events were being spoken about. — Поскольку в комнате было весьма шумно, когда я вошел, я не смог понять, что обсуждалось. Со слов, которые я уловил, подходя ближе, я понял, что говорят о недавних спортивных событиях.

7. The boy was told that he wouldn’t be allowed to go out until his homework had been done carefully. — Мальчику сказали, что ему не разрешат выйти из дома, пока его домашняя работа не будет тщательно сделана.

8. The mother was told not to worry about her sick boy. “He will be examined soon by the doctor. Everything will be all right, I’m sure,” said the nurse. — Матери сказали, не волноваться о ее заболевшем сыне. «Скоро он будет осмотрен доктором. Все будет в порядке, я уверена», — сказала медсестра.

9. I have just been told that the documents for my business trip are being prepared now, but they won’t be ready until the manager has looked (или looks) through them. — Мне только что сказали, что документы для моей командировки готовятся сейчас, но они не будут готовы, пока управляющий не посмотрит их.

10. The workers gave their word that production would have increased by May. — Рабочие дали слово, что производство будет увеличено к маю.

11. Peter was late for the party, so when he went into the room all the guests had been introduced to each other, some of them were dancing and some were singing in the next room. — Питер опоздал на вечеринку, поэтому, когда он вошел в комнату, все гости уже были представлены друг другу, некоторые из них танцевали, а некоторые пели в соседней комнате.

12. I was asked at the lesson yesterday. — Вчера меня спросили на уроке.

13. There used to be a church in that square. I didn’t know it had been ruined. — На той площади раньше была церковь. Я не знаю, была ли разрушена ли она.

14. You know mushrooms are gathered in autumn. — Ты знаешь, грибы собирают осенью.

15. I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait. The hall is being aired now. — Извините, но вам придется подождать. Зал сейчас проветривается.

16. By the time I returned from work, my new washing machine had been delivered. — К тому моменту, как я вернулся с работы, моя новая стиральная машина была уже доставлена.

17. When I looked for my television set I couldn’t find it. I forgot it was being repaired. — Когда я поискал свой телевизор, то не смог его найти. Я же забыл, что он в ремонте.

18. Не was being taken to the hospital when the ambulance crashed. — Его как раз везли в больницу, когда машина скорой помощи попала в аварию.

19. The search was called off. The escaped criminal had been found. — Поиски были отменены. Сбежавший преступник был найден.

20. I didn’t go to her party because I hadn’t been invited. — Я не пошел на вечеринку, потому что меня не пригласили.