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1. I couldn’t sleep properly because I was worried … being late … the morning.

2. The temperature has not risen much … zero …. the past week.

3. You should care … your car and have it serviced according … the manufacturer’s instructions.

4. My mother had six girls and called them all … flowers.

5. We can get rid … the real evidence … him.

6. Potatoes and cabbages were planted … random … foxgloves and roses.

7. My brother was sitting … a table laid … four.

8. He clearly was not impressed … the evidence put … him.

9. Along … numbers of other wealthy citizens, he had a fine house … the banks of the river.

10. She was even less enthusiastic … going … Spain.

11. What happens … us is largely determined by factors … our control.

12. Over the bed hung a painting … some Dutch eighteenth-century artist.

13. The Vice-President warned … the continuing dangers.

14. She had fallen … the rest of the class.

15. The garden is … its best now.

16. He took … his grandfather where character was concerned.

17. Apart … the occasional article, he hadn’t published anything … years.

18. I gave Castle the wrong notes … accident.

19. The river was uncomfortably close … the border.

20. The difference … you and me is that you have a place to live in.

21. Except … such diversions, pond creatures spend their time in an endless search … food.

22. I feel sorry … him.

23. We were running … schedule when we boarded the bus.

24. You can buy them … 87.50$ a share.

25. Liz had invited the whole group … her house … coffee.

26. Fees may vary … college … college.

27. That depends … what you mean … luck, Pete.

28. He saw a tall thin figure dressed … black.

29. Kate glared … him … a moment, then she burst … laughter too.

30. Do you believe … ghosts?

31. I took … my fancy clothes and changed … slacks.

32. We asked … a meeting … the Director.

33. Profits have increased … $13 million … eleven years.

34. You are quite different … what I expected.

35. The solution … the problems of 3 billion people … crisis seems desperately absurd.

36. These people were famous … their meanness.

37. We’ve had to put … our wedding until September.

38. She was looking … reflections … the large mirror on her dressing-table.

39. Then he threw a stone … a thin cat in a red collar.

40. They are engaged … talks … the Irish government.

41. Her room was next … Alan’s.

42. What shall I get you … Christmas?

43. Players will get most … of it by being very good … the basic skills.

44. She didn’t approve … his decision, she actually objected … it.

45. Are you interested … Russian poetry? — Yes, I’m particularly fond … Esenin.

46. I was aiming … reconciliation.

47. He almost fell … his stool laughing.

48. Last summer Chris and I went … a trip … Canada.

49. This rule is designed to make individuals responsible … their own safety.

50. I’m sorry … this morning — it was stupid … me.

51. A girl came … the room … the left.

52. Every one of my volunteers is a man filled … the courage … a lion.

53. Her books have been translated … 24 languages.

54. As soon as she was … the train, she opened the box.

55. I’m very proud … what Bobby has achieved.

56. The staff are paid if they travel … bicycle instead … by car.

57. Financial penalties should not be imposed … parents.

58. When the train stopped … a small station, he got … .

59. Maths is no longer a prime requirement … a career … accountancy.

60. He smelled … soap.

61. The ashes were dumped all … the floor.

62. I walked … the station instead … spending money … a taxi.

63. We drove down … Garrod’s farm … Sunday morning.

64. He was … favour … the retention of capital punishment.

65. Mark looked … the window and saw a friend.

66. Some people don’t look attractive … photographs.

67. Local radio goes … the air … midnight.

68. Only a disastrous tactical mistake can deprive him … victory.

69. A message had been scrawled … the wall … chalk.

70. Guests receive dinner … arrival … the hotel.

71. They sat … the sun and enjoyed the wonderful day.

72. Being tall gave him an advantage … the other players.

73. He lived … berries and wild herbs.

74. We like to think that sport is one area free … prejudice.

75. She was … her early forties.

76. It was entirely owing … him that they acquired two bonus points.

77. He was nervous during the week prior … the meeting.

78. In the locker room later, Thomas congratulated him … his victory.

79. She accepted the job … curiosity.

80. Regardless … the result, the present conflict threatens serious damage … the State.

81. The rain poured … a hole … the roof.

82. She was appointed assistant … the General Secretary.

83. … the time they arrived … Victoria Station, the train had left.

84. The poor are more dependent … the rich than ever before.

85. He was travelling … an assumed name.

86. We are looking … someone with experience … this post.

87. It’s … to you what you tell him.

88. She got rather angry … me … my inattentiveness.

89. They advertised … a researcher a month ago.

90. I looked … a small booklet.

91. They are busy … the discussion of the recent information … air pollution.

92. Molly was devoted … her sister.

93. The police are … alert, so everything is … control.

94. These concepts have been formulated … answer … these questions.

95. The walls were covered … bookshelves.

96. We built this monument … our dead.

97. I like cats but unfortunately I’m allergic … them.

98. I used to laugh … narrow-minded people.

99. … least three people were killed.

100. This model is technically superior … its competitors.

1. I couldn’t sleep properly because I was worried about being late in the morning. — Я не мог нормально спать, потому что я волновался о том, чтобы не опоздать утром.

2. The temperature has not risen much above zero for the past week. — За прошедшую неделю температура не поднималась сильно выше ноля.

3. You should care for your car and have it serviced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. — Тебе следует заботиться о своей машине и, в соответствии с указаниями производителя, отдавать ее в сервис.

4. My mother had six girls and called them all after flowers. — У моей мамы было шесть девочек, которая она называла именами цветов.

5. We can get rid of the real evidence against him. — Мы можем избавиться от настоящей улики против него.

6. Potatoes and cabbages were planted at random among foxgloves and roses. — Картошка и капуста была посажена наугад среди бегоний и роз.

7. My brother was sitting at a table laid for four. — Мой брат сидел за столом, накрытым для четверых.

8. He clearly was not impressed by the evidence put before (или against) him. — Он явно был не впечатлен уликами, выдвинутыми против него.

9. Along with numbers of other wealthy citizens, he had a fine house on the banks of the river. — Наряду с большим количеством других богатых граждан, у него был замечательный дом на обоих берегах реки.

10. She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain. — Она была даже менее воодушевлена поездкой в Испанию.

11. What happens to us is largely determined by factors beyond our control. — То, что случилось с нами, в большей степени находится не под нашим контролем.

12. Over the bed hung a painting by some Dutch eighteenth-century artist. — Над кроватью висела картина, написанная каким-то голландским художником восемнадцатого века.

13. The Vice-President warned against the continuing dangers. — Вице-президент предупредил о непрекращающихся угрозах.

14. She had fallen behind the rest of the class. — Он отстал от остальной части класса.

15. The garden is at its best now. — Сад сейчас в своем лучшем состоянии.

16. He took after his grandfather where character was concerned. — Что касается характера, он был похож на своего дедушку.

17. Apart from the occasional article, he hadn’t published anything for years. — Кроме случайной статьи, он уже многие годы ничего не публиковал.

18. I gave Castle the wrong notes by accident. — Я случайно дал Каслу не те записи.

19. The river was uncomfortably close to the border. — Река была неудобно близка к границе.

20. The difference between you and me is that you have a place to live in. — Разница между тобой и мной заключается в том, что у тебя есть место жительства.

21. Except for such diversions, pond creatures spend their time in an endless search for food. — Кроме подобных отклонений, обитатели пруда проводят все свое время в бесконечных поисках еды.

22. I feel sorry for him. — Мне его жаль.

23. We were running behind schedule when we boarded the bus. — Когда мы садились на автобус, то мы отставали от расписания.

24. You can buy them at 87.50$ a share. — Ты можешь купить их по 87.50$ за акцию.

25. Liz had invited the whole group to her house for coffee. — Лиз пригласила всю свою группу к себе домой на кофе.

26. Fees may vary from college to college. — Оплата может варьироваться от колледжа к колледжу.

27. That depends on what you mean by luck, Pete. — Это зависит от того, что ты, Пит, называешь удачей.

28. He saw a tall thin figure dressed in black. — Он увидел высокую худую фигуру, одетую в черное.

29. Kate glared at him for a moment, then she burst into laughter too. — На какой-то момент Кейт взглянула на него и потом разразилась смехом.

30. Do you believe in ghosts? — Ты веришь в приведений?

31. I took off my fancy clothes and changed into slacks. — Я снял свою модную одежду и переоделся в слаксы.

32. We asked for a meeting with the Director. — Мы попросили о встрече с директором.

33. Profits have increased by $13 million in eleven years. — Прибыль увеличилась на 13 миллионов долларов за одиннадцать лет.

34. You are quite different from what I expected. — Ты не такой, как я ожидал.

35. The solution to the problems of 3 billion people in crisis seems desperately absurd. — Решение проблем 3-х миллиардов людей в кризис кажется явно абсурдным.

36. These people were famous for their meanness. — Эти люди были известны своей подлостью.

37. We’ve had to put off our wedding until September. — Нам пришлось отложить нашу свадьбу до сентября.

38. She was looking at reflections in the large mirror on her dressing-table. — Она смотрела на отражения в большом зеркале на своем туалетном столике.

39. Then he threw a stone at a thin cat in a red collar. — Потом он кинул камень в худого кота с красным ошейником.

40. They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. — Они участвуют в переговорах с правительством из Ирландии.

41. Her room was next to Alan’s. — Ее комната находилась возле с комнатой Алана.

42. What shall I get you for Christmas? — Что мне принести тебе на Рождество?

43. Players will get most out of it by being very good at the basic skills. — Игроки извлекут из этого максимум пользы, обладая хорошими основными навыками.

44. She didn’t approve of his decision, she actually objected to it. — Она не одобрила его решения, она на самом деле была против этого.

45. Are you interested in Russian poetry? — Yes, I’m particularly fond of Esenin. — Ты интересуешься русской поэзией? — Да, в особенности мне нравится Есенин.

46. I was aiming at reconciliation. — Я был нацелен на примирение.

47. He almost fell off his stool laughing. — Он чуть не упал со стула от смеха.

48. Last summer Chris and I went on a trip to Canada. — Прошлым летом я с Крисом ездил в Канаду.

49. This rule is designed to make individuals responsible for their own safety. — Это правило разработано, чтобы сделать каждого человека ответственным за собственную безопасность.

50. I’m sorry about this morning — it was stupid of me. — Мне жаль за то, что было утром. С мой стороны это была глупость.

51. A girl came out of the room on the left. — Из комнаты слева вышла девушка.

52. Every one of my volunteers is a man filled with the courage of a lion. — Каждый из моих добровольцев является человеком с мужеством льва.

53. Her books have been translated into 24 languages. — Ее книги были переведены на 24 языка.

54. As soon as she was on the train, she opened the box. — Как только она оказалась в поезде, она открыла коробку.

55. I’m very proud of what Bobby has achieved. — Я горжусь тем, что достиг Бобби.

56. The staff are paid if they travel by bicycle instead of by car. — Персоналу платят, если они ездят на велосипеде, а не на машине.

57. Financial penalties should not be imposed on parents. — На родителей нельзя накладывать штрафы.

58. When the train stopped at a small station, he got off. — Когда поезд остановился на маленькой станции, он сошел.

59. Maths is no longer a prime requirement for a career in accountancy. — Для карьеры в бухгалтерии математика больше не является первичным требованием.

60. He smelled of soap. — Он пах мылом.

61. The ashes were dumped all over the floor. — Пепел был рассыпан по всему полу.

62. I walked to the station instead of spending money on a taxi. — Я пошел пешком на станцию, вместо того чтобы тратить деньги на такси.

63. We drove down to Garrod’s farm on Sunday morning. — Мы поехали на ферму Гаррода в воскресенье утром.

64. He was in favour of the retention of capital punishment. — Он выступал за сохранение смертной казни.

65. Mark looked out of the window and saw a friend. — Марк выглянул из окна и увидел друга.

66. Some people don’t look attractive in photographs. — Некоторые люди выглядят непривлекательно на фотографиях.

67. Local radio goes off the air at midnight. — Местное радио прекратило вещать в полночь.

68. Only a disastrous tactical mistake can deprive him of victory. — Только чудовищная тактическая ошибка может лишить его победы.

69. A message had been scrawled on the wall in chalk. — Послание было начертано на стене мелом.

70. Guests receive dinner on arrival at the hotel. — По прибытию в гостиницу гости получают ужин.

71. They sat in the sun and enjoyed the wonderful day. — Они сидели на солнце и наслаждались удивительным днем.

72. Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players. — Высокий рост дал им преимущество над другими игроками.

73. He lived on berries and wild herbs. — Он жил на ягодах и диких травах.

74. We like to think that sport is one area free of prejudice. — Нам нравится думать, что спорт — это территория свободная от предрассудков.

75. She was in her early forties. — Ей было сорок с небольшим.

76. It was entirely owing to him that they acquired two bonus points. — Это было целиком его заслуга, что они получили дополнительные бонусные очки.

77. He was nervous during the week prior to the meeting. — Он нервничал в течение недели перед собранием.

78. In the locker room later, Thomas congratulated him on his victory. — В гардеробе Томас поздравил его с победой.

79. She accepted the job out of curiosity. — Она согласилась на работу из любопытства.

80. Regardless of the result, the present conflict threatens serious damage to the State. — Несмотря на результат настоящий конфликт угрожает нанести ущерб государству.

81. The rain poured through a hole in the roof. — Дождь лил через дыру в крыше.

82. She was appointed assistant to the General Secretary. — Ее назначили помощницей Генерального Секретаря.

83. By the time they arrived at Victoria Station, the train had left. — К тому времени как они прибыли на Виктория Стэйшэн, поезд уже уехал.

84. The poor are more dependent on the rich than ever before. — Бедные более зависимы от богатых, чем когда-либо.

85. He was travelling under an assumed name. — Он путешествовал под псевдонимом.

86. We are looking for someone with experience for this post. — На эту должность мы ищем кого-нибудь с опытом.

87. It’s up to you what you tell him. — Он тебя зависит то, что ты скажешь ему.

88. She got rather angry with me for my inattentiveness. — Она сильно разозлилась на меня из-за моей невнимательности.

89. They advertised for a researcher a month ago. — Месяц назад они подали объявление о приеме исследователя.

90. I looked through a small booklet. — Я просмотрел небольшой буклет.

91. They are busy with the discussion of the recent information on air pollution. — Они заняты обсуждением недавней информации по загрязнению воздуха.

92. Molly was devoted to her sister. — Молли была предана своей сестре.

93. The police are on alert, so everything is under control. — Полиция находится в состоянии боевой готовности, так что все под контролем.

94. These concepts have been formulated in answer to these questions. — Эти концепции были сформулированы в ответ на эти вопросы.

95. The walls were covered with bookshelves. — На стенах были книжные полки.

96. We built this monument to our dead. — Мы поставили этот памятник в память наших умерших.

97. I like cats but unfortunately I’m allergic to them. — Я люблю кошек, но, к сожалению, у меня на них аллергия.

98. I used to laugh at narrow-minded people. — Раньше я смеялся над ограниченными людьми.

99. At least three people were killed. — По меньшей мере три человека были убиты.

100. This model is technically superior to its competitors. — Эта модель технически превосходит свои аналоги.