Прокачка причастия в английском языке

Отработайте употребление причастия в английском языке.

Используйте правильную форму причастия (Pariciple I или Pariciple II).


1. Most people still don’t know the issue (to separate) two people.
2. The bridge (to destroy) by the earthquake was reconstructed within a week.
3. Not (to know) his telephone number we could hardly find their house.
4. (to write) a letter she went to post it.
5. He stood (to make sure) of his direction, (to feel) the rough grass with his feet.
6. She felt (to tire) and (to exhaust) after the hard day’s work.
7. With (to close) eyes he sat (to lean) back on the bench.
8. There was something (to fascinate) about that un(expect) gate like the opening of a fairy tale.
9. The windows (to face) the bridge were open.
10. Geoffrey opened his mouth as if (to try) to say something, but changed his mind.
11. (to prepare) everything for their arrival, she decided to have a short rest.
12. Pay attention to this when (to discuss) the problem.
13. By 10 o’clock, (to dress) and (to breakfast) she went out into her garden.
14. Have you ever seen an un(identify) flying object?
15. Her husband turned an (to astonish) face upon her.
16. They had come to hear Maggie Bradford (to soothe) their (to torture) souls.
17. (to keep) in cages the animals look miserable.
18. (to save) enough money he bought the desired book.
19. (to reach) their table, he stopped, respectfully (to remove) his woolen hat.
20. All the windows of the (to abandon) house were shuttered.
21. She had visited the (to accuse) woman several times in the past weeks.
22. (to close) the factory they caused many problems for the employees.
23. I kept thinking of the letter (to lie) on the table.
24. The experiment (to carry out) successfully made them feel encouraged.
25. He could hear his maid (to greet) the newcomer, then footsteps (to approach) the living room.

1. Most people still don’t know the issue separating two people. — Большинство людей все еще не знают проблемы, разделяющей два человека.

2. The bridge destroyed by the earthquake was reconstructed within a week. — Мост, разрушенный землетрясением, был восстановлен в течение недели.

3. Not knowing his telephone number we could hardly find their house. — Не зная его номера телефона, мы вряд ли сможем найти его дом.

4. Having written a letter she went to post it. — Написав письмо, она пошла отправить его.

5. He stood making sure of his direction, feeling the rough grass with his feet. — Он остановился, проверяя свое направление и чувствуя жесткую траву под ногами.

6. She felt tired and exhausted after the hard day’s work. — После тяжелой дневной работы он чувствовал себя уставшим и изможденным.

7. With closed eyes he sat leaning back on the bench. — С закрытыми глазами он сел, отклонившись на скамейку.

8. There was something fascinating about that unexpected gate like the opening of a fairy tale. — Было что-то удивительное в этих неожиданных воротах, похожих на вход в сказку.

9. The windows facing the bridge were open. — Окна, выходящие на мост, были открыты.

10. Geoffrey opened his mouth as if trying to say something, but changed his mind. — Джеффри открыл рот, как будто пытаясь что-то сказать, но передумал.

11. Having prepared everything for their arrival, she decided to have a short rest. — Подготовив все к своему прибытию, она решила немного передохнуть.

12. Pay attention to this when discussing the problem. — обсуждая проблему, обрати на это внимание.

13. By 10 o’clock, dressed and breakfasted she went out into her garden. — К 10 часам, одевшись и позавтракав, она пошла в сад.

14. Have you ever seen an ununidentified flying object? — Ты когда-нибудь видел неопознанный летающий объект?

15. Her husband turned an astonished face upon her. — Ее муж повернул удивленное лицо к ней.

16. They had come to hear Maggie Bradford soothing their tortured souls. — Они пришли послушать Мэгги Брэдфорд, успокаивая свои измученные души.

17. Kept (или being kept) in cages the animals look miserable. — Содержащиеся в клетках животные выглядели жалко.

18. Having saved enough money he bought the desired book. — Сэкономив достаточно денег, он купил желаемую книгу.

19. Reaching their table, he stopped, respectfully removing his woolen hat. — Дойдя до стола, он остановился, в знак уважения снимая свою шерстяную шапку.

20. All the windows of the abandoned house were shuttered. — Все окна заброшенного дома были разбиты.

21. She had visited the accused woman several times in the past weeks. — За прошедшие недели она посетила обвиненную женщину несколько раз.

22. Having closed the factory they caused many problems for the employees. — Закрыв фабрику, она причинили много проблем работникам.

23. I kept thinking of the letter lying on the table. — Я продолжал думать о письме, лежавшем на столе.

24. The experiment carried out successfully made them feel encouraged. — Эксперимент, выполненный успешно, заставил их чувствовать вдохновение.

25. He could hear his maid greeting the newcomer, then footsteps approaching the living room. — Он мог слышать свою горничную, приветствующую пришедшего гостя, затем шаги, приближающиеся к общей комнате.