Тренируем образование существительных в английском языке

Учитесь образовывать английские существительные.

От данных слов образуйте существительные и вставьте их в предложения в правильной форме.


1. We will return the (pay) you have made as soon as possible.
2. There has been a (reduce) in the number of (complain) made against supermarkets in recent years.
3. Most schools in my country no longer have corporal (punish).
4. A pet may suffer from (lonely) if it lives in a house.
5. Thousands of buildings fell down during a severe (earth).
6. She failed to do any (revise) before the exam.
7. She has also had many (absent) and has frequently arrived late for class.
8. Being a secretary is not a very interesting (occupy).
9. The sight of her son graduating filled her with (proud).
10. Although there are two other girls in the class, I don’t feel any (embarrass).
11. Jack has never wanted to be a (politics).
12. Unfortunately the rate of (employ) is still very high.
13. Their children are a constant source of (happy).
14. The project is due for (complete) in the spring.
15. It is difficult to find staff with the level of (expert) required for this job.
16. Your (friend) is very important to me.
17. There is no (short) of things to do in the city.
18. The terrace runs the full (wide) of the house.
19. All (fly) between New York and London have been cancelled due to fog.
20. The (science) have discovered a new type of fuel.
21. The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of (curious).
22. (announce) of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
23. What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct (possible).
24. There is a light in the (distant).
25. We need to buy some new (furnish).
26. (poor) is one of the world’s great problems.
27. It shows (strong) of character to admit you are wrong.
28. Summer came and the (hot) became quite oppressive.

1. We will return the payment you have made as soon as possible. — Мы вернем вам платеж, который вы сделали, как можно быстрее.

2. There has been a reduction in the number of complaints made against supermarkets in recent years. — Есть снижение в количестве жалоб, поданных на супермаркеты за последние года.

3. Most schools in my country no longer have corporal punishment. — Большинство школ в моей стране больше не имеют телесных наказаний.

4. A pet may suffer from loneliness if it lives in a house. — Домашний питомец может страдать от одиночества, если он живет в доме.

5. Thousands of buildings fell down during a severe earthquake. — Тысячи зданий рухнули во время сильного землетрясения.

6. She failed to do any revision before the exam. — Ей не удалось ничего повторить перед экзаменом.

7. She has also had many absences and has frequently arrived late for class. — У нее также много пропусков и частых опозданий.

8. Being a secretary is not a very interesting occupation. — Быть секретарем — это не очень интересное занятие.

9. The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride. — Вид сына, окончившего вуз, наполнил ее гордостью.

10. Although there are two other girls in the class, I don’t feel any embarrassment. Хотя в классе есть еще две других девочки, я не чувствую какого-либо смущения.

11. Jack has never wanted to be a politician. — Джек никогда не хотел быть политиком.

12. Unfortunately the rate of unemployment is still very high. — К сожалению, уровень безработицы все еще очень высокий.

13. Their children are a constant source of happiness. — Их дети — это постоянный источник счастья.

14. The project is due for completion in the spring. — Проект должен завершиться весной.

15. It is difficult to find staff with the level of expertise required for this job. — Трудно найти персонал с уровнем подготовки, требуемой для этой работы.

16. Your friendship is very important to me. — Твоя дружба очень важная для меня.

17. There is no shortage of things to do in the city. — В городе нет недостатка в занятиях.

18. The terrace runs the full width of the house. — Терраса протягивается на всю ширину дома.

19. All flights between New York and London have been cancelled due to fog. — Из-за тумана отменены все рейсы между Нью Йорком и Лондоном.

20. The scientists have discovered a new type of fuel. — Ученые открыли новый тип топлива.

21. The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity. — Письмо не было адресовано мне, но я открыл его из любопытства.

22. Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers. — Объявление вердикта сопровождалось криками и возгласами.

23. What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility. — То, что казалось невозможным, теперь кажется отчетливой вероятностью.

24. There is a light in the distance. — Вдалеке виднеется свет.

25. We need to buy some new furniture. — Нам нужно купить новую мебель.

26. Poverty is one of the world’s great problems. — Бедность — это одна из больших мировых проблем.

27. It shows strength of character to admit you are wrong. — Признание свой неправоты говорит о силе характера.

28. Summer came and the heat became quite oppressive. — Наступило лето, и жара стала сильной.