Отрабатываем английское словообразование — тренируем существительные

Учитесь образовывать английские существительные.

От данных слов образуйте существительные и вставьте их в предложения в правильной форме.


1. I have recently left my job in an advertising agency after a (agree) with my boss.
2. I became an (employ) in a fast-food restaurant.
3. The (earn) in that restaurant were extremely low.
4. My friend decided to take up (photograph) as a hobby.
5. There was a (understand) and they sold the camera by mistake.
6. My next-door neighbour has a very unusual (appear).
7. She couldn’t park her car because there was a (short) of parking places.
8. Her curtains were the right (long) for the windows.
9. Our luxury coach was involved in a (collide) in France a week ago.
10. On Saturday morning the High Street is full of (shop).
11. Nowadays a great (vary) of different food is available from large supermarkets.
12. The police spent all morning searching the house for (evident).
13. The house caught fire when it was struck by (light).
14. From early (child) Kate has always wanted a pet parrot.
15. Jack hated (violent), so one day he attacked a gang of boys attacking an old man.
16. My father likes to be called a ‘senior citizen’, not an old age (pension).
17. The ship radioed to say that it was in (difficult).
18. After a long talk they finally came up with a (solve).
19. Most people in this city live in great (poor).
20. The (sign) I saw at the bottom was not mine.
21. I’m afraid my first (impress) was not very favourable.
22. He agreed to it out of (grateful).
23. I breathed a sigh of (relieve) when I saw my father.
24. Before you begin an exam paper, always read the (instruct) carefully.
25. Margaret has not shown much (enthusiastic) this term.
26. We cannot wash the car because of the water (short).
27. Students are under enormous (press).
28. The hotel takes no (responsible) for the loss of property.
29. The (explode) of the bomb was heard several miles away.
30. The incident left him with feelings of anger and (bitter).

1. I have recently left my job in an advertising agency after a disagreement with my boss. — Недавно я бросил свою работу в рекламной компании после ссоры со своим боссом.

2. I became an employee in a fast-food restaurant. — Я стал работником ресторана быстрого обслуживания.

3. The earnings in that restaurant were extremely low. — Заработки в том ресторане были крайне малы.

4. My friend decided to take up photography as a hobby. — Мой друг решил заняться фотографией в качестве хобби.

5. There was a misunderstanding and they sold the camera by mistake. — Возникло непонимание, и они продали камеру по ошибке.

6. My next-door neighbour has a very unusual appearance. — Мой сосед имеет очень необычную внешность.

7. She couldn’t park her car because there was a shortage of parking places. — Они не смогла припарковать свою машину из-за нехватки парковочных мест.

8. Her curtains were the right length for the windows. — Ее шторы были как раз под размер окон.

9. Our luxury coach was involved in a collision in France a week ago. — Наш туристский автобус высшего класса попал в столкновение во Франции неделю назад.

10. On Saturday morning the High Street is full of shoppers. — В субботу утром Хай Стрит полна покупателей.

11. Nowadays a great variety of different food is available from large supermarkets. — Сегодня в больших супермаркетах есть большое разнообразие различной еды.

12. The police spent all morning searching the house for evidence. — Полиция все утро обыскивала дом в поисках улик.

13. The house caught fire when it was struck by lightning. — Дом загорелся, когда в него ударила молния.

14. From early childhood Kate has always wanted a pet parrot. — С раннего детства Кейт хотела завести попугая.

15. Jack hated violence, so one day he attacked a gang of boys attacking an old man. — Джек ненавидел наcилие, поэтому однажды он напал на банду ребят, напавших на старика.

16. My father likes to be called a ‘senior citizen’, not an old age pensioner. — Моему папе нравится, когда его называют «старший гражданин», а не возрастной пенсионер.

17. The ship radioed to say that it was in difficulties. — Корабль радировал о проблемах.

18. After a long talk they finally came up with a solution. — После продолжительного разговора они наконец пришли к решению.

19. Most people in this city live in great poverty. — Большинство людей в этом городе живут в большой бедности.

20. The signature I saw at the bottom was not mine. — Подпись, которую я видел внизу, не моя.

21. I’m afraid my first impression was not very favourable. — Боюсь, что мое первое впечатление было неблагоприятным.

22. He agreed to it out of gratitude. — Он согласился на это из чувства благодарности.

23. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my father. — Я облегченно вздохнул, когда увидел своего отца.

24. Before you begin an exam paper, always read the instructions carefully. — Перед тем как вы начнете писать на экзаменационном бланке, всегда тщательно читайте инструкции.

25. Margaret has not shown much enthusiasm this term. — В этом семестре Маргарет совершенно не старалась.

26. We cannot wash the car because of the water shortage. — МЫ не могли помыть машины из-за нехватки воды.

27. Students are under enormous pressure. — Студенты находятся под чрезвычайном давлением.

28. The hotel takes no responsibility for the loss of property. — Гостиница не несет ответственности за потерянные вещи.

29. The explosion of the bomb was heard several miles away. — Взрыв бомбы был слышен за много миль.

30. The incident left him with feelings of anger and bitterness. — Это происшествие оставило его с чувством гнева и горечи.