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1. (Сотни людей) gathered at the stage door after the performance.

2. Alexander Block is described (как) the most talented poet of his generation.

3. I know (каждое) word of the song by heart.

4. In this job you’ll find a large (количество) of interesting people.

5. Sarah’s new coat (делает) her much slimmer.

6. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn’t buy (ни одну из них).

7. “Which pyjamas are yours?” — („Вон та, красная».)

8. No one (ещё) runs as fast as John.

9. Students who would like (дальнейшую) information should contact Mr. Barry.

10. He looked (скучным) but he assured me he was having a good time.

1. Hundreds of people gathered at the stage door after the performance.

2. Alexander Block is described as the most talented poet of his generation.

3. I know each word of the song by heart.

4. In this job you’ll find a large number of interesting people.

5. Sarah’s new coat makes her much slimmer.

6. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn’t buy either of them.

7. “Which pyjamas are yours?” — „Those red ones».

8. No one еlse runs as fast as John.

9. Students who would like further information should contact Mr. Barry.

10. He looked bored but he assured me he was having a good time.