Совершенствуем навыки английской грамматики

Практикуем английскую грамматику во всех деталях.

Слова, данные на русском языке, переведите на английский.


1. Let me (поднести) those bags for you.
2. What are you doing (на работе) these days?
3. (Среди) the six of us, I was the only one who had already had dinner.
4. Ever since Mary took dancing lessons, she has danced (красиво).
5. Of the two routes, this one seems (менее) hilly.
6. Shall I (принести) the report for you to sign?
7. It matters a great deal to her what (другие) people think of her.
8. They spoke to you (дружелюбно), didn’t they?
9. We’re (надоело) sitting around doing nothing.
10. Sally is an (неопытная) worker. She has never done this job before.

1. Let me carry those bags for you. – Позволь мне понести твои тяжелые сумки.

2. What are you doing at work these days? – Что вы делаете на работе в эти дни?

3. Among the six of us, I was the only one who had already had dinner. – Среди шестерых я был единственным, который пообедал.

4. Ever since Mary took dancing lessons, she has danced beautifully. – С тех пор как Мэри берет уроки танцев, она танцуем очень хорошо.

5. Of the two routes, this one seems less hilly. – Из двух маршрутов этот кажется менее холмистым.

6. Shall I bring (или fetch) the report for you to sign? – Мне принести тебе отчет для подписи?

7. It matters a great deal to her what other people think of her. – То, что думают о ней другие люди, ей очень важно.

8. They spoke to you in a friendly way (или in a friendly way manner), didn’t they? – Они говорили с тобой дружелюбным тоном, не так ли?

9. We’re sick and tired of sitting around doing nothing. – Мы устали от безделья.

10. Sally is an inexperienced worker. She has never done this job before. – Салли неопытный работник. Она никогда раньше не делала эту работу.