Прокачка английских прилагательных.

Научитесь образовывать прилагательные в английском языке.

От данных слов образуйте необходимые прилагательные с отрицательным значением.


1. Laughing and joking are (proper) at a funeral.
2. The information you gave me was (correct). I can’t fully trust it.
3. Your handwriting is so (care), it’s hard to read it.
4. Before her marriage she had been lively and cheerful and (care).
5. (mind) chatting is not the best way to prepare the examination.
6. It is (worth) inviting Harry to the party as he is so busy.
7. These pictures are valuable, actually they are (price).
8. She is a (care) driver, she never looks at signs.
9. All his arguments were (use).
10. It’s a good idea in theory, but rather (practice).
11. He is very (response).
12. He is (help) at making decisions.
13. Having our passports stolen was a rather (fortune) start to our holiday.
14. Traffic jams are almost (avoid) during the rush hour.
15. My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been (success) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply (able) to learn foreign languages at my age.
16. I am not (patience) and neither am I (intelligence), so why have I found it almost (possible) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study?
17. My vocabulary is (adequate) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is (satisfy) to say the least.
18. It is not only that my Spanish is (correct) but I suspect I sound very (polite), too.
19. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and I must have said something (appropriate) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.
20. Our expedition could not continue its work due to (favour) weather conditions.
21. We had a very (product) meeting.
22. He gave me the wrong directions. I was (inform).
23. It is (practical) to buy a car if a person doesn’t need to drive to work.

1. Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral. — Смех и шутки неуместные на похоронах.

2. The information you gave me was incorrect. I can’t fully trust it. — Информация, которую ты мне дал, неверная. Я не могу ей полностью доверять.

3. Your handwriting is so careless, it’s hard to read it. — Твой почерк такой небрежный, его сложно читать.

4. Before her marriage she had been lively and cheerful and carefree. — До замужества она была оживленная, радостная и беззаботная.

5. Mindless chatting is not the best way to prepare the examination. — Бездумная болтовня — это не лучший способ подготовиться к экзамену.

6. It is worthless inviting Harry to the party as he is so busy. — Бесполезно приглашать Гарри на вечеринку, так как он занят.

7. These pictures are valuable, actually they are priceless. — Эти картины ценные, на самом деле они бесценны.

8. She is a careless driver, she never looks at signs. — Она неосторожный водитель, они никогда не смотрит на знаки.

9. All his arguments were useless. — Все его аргументы бесполезны.

10. It’s a good idea in theory, but rather impractical. — В теории это хорошая идея, но она весьма непрактична.

11. He is very irresponsible. — Он очень безответственный.

12. He is helpless at making decisions. — Он беспомощен в принятии решений.

13. Having our passports stolen was a rather unfortunate start to our holiday. — Кража наших паспортов была весьма несчастливым началом нашего отдыха.

14. Traffic jams are almost unavoidable during the rush hour. — Дорожные пробки почти неизбежны во время часа-пик.

15. My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuecessful so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable to learn foreign languages at my age. — Моя попытка обучить себя испанскому к настоящему моменту потерпела неудачу, и мне интересно, являюсь ли я просто неспособным учить языки в своем возрасте.

16. I am not impatient and neither am I unintelligent, so why have I found it almost impossible to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? — Я не являюсь нетерпеливым или неумным, но почему же для меня почти невозможно выучить что-то большее, чем основы испанского языка после почти шести месяцев изучения?

17. My vocabulary is inadequate beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory to say the least. — Мой словарный запас неадекватен, за исключением самых основных выражений, а моя грамматика, мягко выражаясь, неудовлетворительна.

18. It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect but I suspect I sound very impolite, too. — Не только мой испанский некорректен, но я подозреваю, что я еще и не вежлив.

19. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and I must have said something inappropriate because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table. — Недавно я встретил в кафе кубинского туриста, и я, должно быть,

20. Our expedition could not continue its work due to unfavourable weather conditions. — Наша экспедиция не может продолжаться из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий.

21. We had a very unproductive meeting. — У нас было очень непродуктивное собрание.

22. He gave me the wrong directions. I was misin-formed. — Он мне дал неверные указания. Я был неправильно информирован.

23. It is impractical to buy a car if a person doesn’t need to drive to work. — Непрактично покупать машину, если человеку не надо ездить на работу на транспорте.