Тренируй образование английских прилагательных

Научитесь образовывать прилагательные в английском языке.

От данного слова образуйте необходимое прилагательное.


1. The new computer system is (expence) but the eventual savings it will bring are very (signify).
2. All her children are clever, but the youngest girl is really (except).
3. The company will lend you money on very (favour) terms.
4. The leopards are (mystery) creatures.
5. Please drive carefully. The roads are so (danger).
6. Exercise plays an important part in keeping the body fit and (health).
7. They had never had the quiet that grows between two people (comfort) with each other.
8. Factories and cars release (poison) chemicals, which pollute the air.
9. The Browns spent a year in Europe seeing (history) sights and visiting museums.
10. If Tom wanted a (science) career, he would have to go abroad for three years of study.
11. The Labour Party had nominated a popular and (power) leader.
12. Take traveller’s cheques and you can be (certainty) you will not be left without funds.
13. Sterling and dollar cheques are (availability) at most banks.
14. Discrimination in hiring is (legal).
15. The water in many lakes and rivers is (pure). As a result, it needs to be cleaned before people can drink it.
16. Wall Street is (synonym) with American capitalism.
17. She is paid on a (day) basis.
18. Cooking must be one of the most (tire) of (house) chores.
19. The change in the climate has produced (disaster) floods.
20. Stop hitting that little boy — you should be (shame) of yourself!

1. The new computer system is expensive but the eventual savings it will bring are very significant. — Новая компьютерная система дорогая, но итоговая экономия, которую она принесет, значительная.

2. All her children are clever, but the youngest girl is really exceptional. — Все ее дети умные, но самая маленькая девочка по-настоящему исключительная.

3. The company will lend you money on very favourable terms. — Компания даст тебе кредит на очень благоприятных условиях.

4. The leopards are mysterious creatures. — Леопарды очень загадочные существа.

5. Please drive carefully. The roads are so dangerous. Пожалуйста, езди осторожно. Дороги такие опасные.

6. Exercise plays an important part in keeping the body fit and healthy. — Тренировка играет важную роль в поддержании тела в форме и здоровым.

7. They had never had the quiet that grows between two people comfortable with each other. — Между ними никогда не было спокойствия, которое бываем между двух человек, которым комфортно друг с другом.

8. Factories and cars release poisonous chemicals, which pollute the air. — Заводы и машины испускают ядовитые вещества, которые загрязняют воздух.

9. The Browns spent a year in Europe seeing historic sights and visiting museums. — Брауны провели год в Европе, осматривая исторические достопримечательности и посещая музеи.

10. If Tom wanted a scientific career, he would have to go abroad for three years of study. — Если бы Том хотел научную карьеру, то ему надо было бы поехать за границу на три года учебы.

11. The Labour Party had nominated a popular and powerful leader. — Лейбористы выдвинули популярного и сильного лидера.

12. Take traveller’s cheques and you can be certain you will not be left without funds. — Возьми чеки путешествующих и будь уверен, что ты не останешься без средств.

13. Sterling and dollar cheques are available at most banks. — В большинстве банков доступны стерлинговые и долларовые чеки.

14. Discrimination in hiring is illegal. — Дискриминация при приеме на работу не законна.

15. The water in many lakes and rivers is impure. As a result, it needs to be cleaned before people can drink it. — Вода во многих озерах и реках нечистая. В результате ее надо очищать, перед тем как люди смогут пить.

16. Wall Street is synonymous with American capitalism. — Уол Стрит синонимичен с американским капитализмом.

17. She is paid on a daily basis. — Ей платят на ежедневной основе.

18. Cooking must be one of the most tiresome of household chores. — Приготовление пищи должно быть самое утомительное домашнее занятие.

19. The change in the climate has produced disastrous floods. — Изменение климата привело к катастрофическим наводнениям.

20. Stop hitting that little boy — you should be ashamed of yourself! — Прекрати бить этого маленького мальчика — тебе должно быть стыдно за себя!