Тренируем прямую и косвенную речь в английском

Прокачайте прямую и косвенную речь в английском языке, выполнив упражнение (с ответами).

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1. We have said, “You deserve a break now”.
1) We have said that you have deserved a break now.
2) We have said that you deserve a break now.
3) We have said that you have deserved a break then.
4) We have said that you deserve a break at that time.

2. We said, “We were here a few years ago.”
1) We said that we had been there a few years before.
2) We said that we were there a few years before.
3) We said that we had been here a few years before.
4) We said that we had been here a few years ago.

3. The photographer said to the girl, “Stand here, please!”
1) The photographer said the girl to stand there.
2) The photographer told to the girl to stand here.
3) The photographer told the girl to stand there.
4) The photographer told the girl to stand here.

4. He said, “What shall I tell her about this terrible situation?”
1) He asked what he should tell her about that terrible situation.
2) He said what he would tell her about this terrible situation.
3) He asked what he shall tell her about that terrible situation.
4) He asked what he should tell her about this terrible situation.

5. Sam mentioned that ….
1) it was 3 years ago that he had been in Brazil.
2) it was 3 years before that he had been in Brazil.
3) it had been 3 years before that he was in Brazil.
4) it had been 3 years before that he had been in Brazil.

6. Diana said that the salesman ….
1) had been very nice when they bought the car.
2) had been very nice when they had bought the car.
3) had been very nice when they have bought the car.
4) has been very nice when they bought the car.

7. The girl said that ….
1) when she sees Mike, she will tell him the truth.
2) when she sees Mike, she would tell him the truth.
3) when she saw Mike, she would tell him the truth.
4) when she saw Mike, she will tell him the truth.

8. The mechanic has said that if ….
1) the pump breaks, I will need to go to the service station.
2) the pump broke, I will need to go to the service station.
3) the pump breaks, I would need to go to the service station.
4) the pump breaked, 1 would need to go to the service station.

9. Antony said that he ….
1) will prepare a special meal for us if we came.
2) will prepare a special meal for us if we come.
3) would prepare a special meal for us if we came.
4) would prepare a special meal for us if we come.

10. The customer asked the instructor if he ….
1) can book an introductory session for the next week.
2) could book an introductory session for the following week.
3) can book an introductory session for the following week.
4) could book an introductory session for the previous week.

11. I wondered if I …
1) may borrow the book from the school library.
2) may have borrowed the book from the school library.
3) might have borrowed the book from the school library.
4) might borrow the book from the school library.

12. The client wanted to know ….
1) how much that book is.
2) how much is this book.
3) how much that book was.
4) how much was this book.

13. The weathercaster said ….
1) we will not get any rain tonight.
2) we would not get any rain that night.
3) we will not get any rain that night.
4) we would not get any rain tonight.

14. He asked if I was bringing any records with me and I said I … .
1) wasn’t
2) haven’t
3) weren’t
4) hasn’t

15. Mary … there was nothing she could do.
1) said me
2) told me
3) told to me
4) say to me

16. I told him that ….
1) if we’ll leave now, we’ll catch the last train.
2) if we leave now, we’ll catch the last train.
3) if we left, we’ll catch the last train.
4) if we left, we’d catch the last train.

17. She warned me … the pan, it was very hot.
1) do not touch
2) not touch
3) not to touch
4) won’t touch

18. He said that actions … louder than words.
1) speaks
2) speak
3) spoke
4) had spoken

19. The pupil said that the sun … round the Earth.
1) moves
2) was moving
3) moved
4) had moved

20. He announced that there would be an interesting show … .
1) today
2) that night
3) tonight
4) this day

1. We have said, “You deserve a break now”.
We have said that you deserve a break now. — Мы (только что) сказали, что вы заслуживаете отдыха.

2. We said, “We were here a few years ago.”
We said that we had been there a few years before. — Мы сказали, что были там несколько лет назад.

3. The photographer said to the girl, “Stand here, please!”
The photographer told the girl to stand there. — Фотограф сказал девушке встать здесь.

4. He said, “What shall I tell her about this terrible situation?”
He said what he would tell her about this terrible situation. — Он спросил, что следует ему рассказать ей об этой ужасной ситуации.

5. Sam mentioned that ….
Sam mentioned that it had been 3 years before that he had been in Brazil. — Сэм заметил, что прошло уже три года, до того как он побывал в Бразилии.

6. Diana said that the salesman ….
Diana said that the salesman had been very nice when they had bought the car. — Диана сказала, что продавец был очень любезен, когда они покупали машину.

7. The girl said that ….
The girl said that when she saw Mike, she would tell him the truth. — Девочка сказала, что, когда она увидит Майка, то скажет ему правду.

8. The mechanic has said that if ….
The mechanic has said that if the pump breaks, I will need to go to the service station. — Механик сказал, что, если насос сломается, то мне надо будет ехать в сервисную службу.

9. Antony said that he ….
Antony said that he would prepare a special meal for us if we came. — Энтони сказал, что приготовит для нас специальный ужин, когда мы вернемся.

10. The customer asked the instructor if he ….
The customer asked the instructor if he could book an introductory session for the following week. — Клиент спросил инструктора, можно ли заказать вводную тренировку на следующую неделю.

11. I wondered if I …
I wondered if I might borrow the book from the school library. — Я хотел знать, могу ли я взять книгу из школьной библиотеки.

12. The client wanted to know ….
The client wanted to know how much that book was. — Клиент хотел знать, сколько стоила эта книга.

13. The weathercaster said ….
The weathercaster said we would not get any rain that night. — Прогноз погоды сообщил, что ночью не будет дождя.

14. He asked if I was bringing any records with me and I said I … .
He asked if I was bringing any records with me and I said I wasn’t. — Он спросил, принесу ли я с собой какие-нибудь записи, и я сказал, что нет.

15. Mary … there was nothing she could do.
Mary told me there was nothing she could do. — Мэри сказала, что он ничего не может сделать.

16. I told him that … .
I told him that if we left, we’d catch the last train. — Я сказал им, что, если мы пойдем, то успеем на последний поезд.

17. She warned me … the pan, it was very hot.
She warned me not to touch the pan, it was very hot. — Она предупредила меня не трогать сковороду, она была очень горячей.

18. He said that actions … louder than words.
He said that actions speak louder than words. — Он сказал, что поступки говорят больше, чем слова.

19. The pupil said that the sun … round the Earth.
The pupil said that the sun moved round the Earth. — Ученик сказал, что солнце вращается вокруг земли.

20. He announced that there would be an interesting show.
He announced that there would be an interesting show that night. — Он объявил, что в вечером будет интересное шоу.