
Упражнение на английские двойные союзы.

Соедините два предложения в одно, употребив союзы:
both… and…
either… or…
neither… nor…


1. Lucy can play the guitar. Her brother can play the guitar too.
2. Alex doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t drink any alcohol either.
3. BBC are not showing this match. ITV aren’t showing it either.
4. Ted was on holiday last week. Fred also was on holiday last week.
5. I enjoyed the show. I enjoyed your company too.
6. They need doctors. And they need trained nurses.
7. We can go to the cinema. Or we can go for a walk.

1. Lucy can play the guitar. Her brother can play the guitar too.
Both Lucy and her brother can play the guitar.
Как Люси, так и ее брат умеют играть на гитаре.

2. Alex doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t drink any alcohol either.
Alex neither smokes nor drinks any alcohol.
Alex doesn’t either smoke or drink any alcohol.

Алекс не курит, не пьет алкоголь.

3. BBC are not showing this match. ITV aren’t showing it either.
Neither BBC nor ITV are showing this match.
Ни BBC, ни ITV не показывают этот матч.

4. Ted was on holiday last week. Fred also was on holiday last week.
Both Ted and Fred were on holiday last week.
Как Тед, так и Фред были на отдыхе на прошлой недели.

5. I enjoyed the show. I enjoyed your company too.
I enjoyed both the show and your company.
Мне понравилось как представление, так и твоя компания.

6. They need doctors. And they need trained nurses.
They need both doctors and trained nurses.
Им нужны как врачи, так и подготовленные медсестры.

7. We can go to the cinema. Or we can go for a walk.
We can either go to the cinema or for a walk.
Мы можем или пойти в кино, или пойти на прогулку.