
Упражнение на Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее, именительный падеж с инфинитивом).

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ОБРАЗЕЦ: It is not likely that they will return soon. – They are not likely to return soon.


1. It is not likely that they will return soon.
2. It is certain that they will be here on Tuesday.
3. It is very likely that his article will be published in the magazine.
4. It was not likely that the letter would reach them in time.
5. It is sure that they will come to St.Petersburg.
6. It is likely that the conference will be held in London.

1. It is not likely that they will return soon.
They are not likely to return soon.
Маловероятно, что они скоро вернутся.

2. It is certain that they will be here on Tuesday.
They are certain to be here on Tuesday.
Они непременно будут здесь во вторник.

3. It is very likely that his article will be published in the magazine.
His article is very likely to be published in the magazine.
Очень вероятно, что его статья будет опубликована в журнале.

4. It was not likely that the letter would reach them in time.
The letter was not likely to reach them in time.
Было маловероятным, что письмо дойдет до них вовремя.

5. It is sure that they will come to St.Petersburg.
They are sure to come to St.Petersburg.
Они непременно приедут в Санкт-Петербург.

6. It is likely that the conference will be held in London.
The conference is likely to be held in London.
Конференция, вероятно, состоится в Лондоне.