
Вставьте, где необходимо, нужный артикль:


1. The grass was covered with ______ frost.
2. Our children enjoy ______ summer sunshine.
3. Ron received ______ justice in court.
4. The scientists are focused on the future of ______ space.
5. I can get no ______ satisfaction.
6. The grass was wet with ______ morning dew.
7. Victor has had ______ back pain since the accident.
8. The biggest threats to these animals are ______ heat and ______ humidity.
9. ______ baggage was carefully checked.
10. The criminal was found not guilty by reason of ______ insanity.

1. The grass was covered with (-) frost. — Трава была покрыта инеем.

2. Our children enjoy the summer sunshine. — Нашим детям нравится летнее солнце.

3. Ron received (-) justice in court. — Рон нашел справедливость в суде.

4. The scientists are focused on the future of (-) space. — Ученые сосредоточены на будущем космоса.

5. I can get no (-) satisfaction. — Я не могу получить удовлетворения.

6. The grass was wet with the morning dew. — Трава была мокрая от утренней росы.

7. Victor has had (-) back pain since the accident. — Виктор испытывает боли в спине с момента аварии.

8. The biggest threats to these animals are (-) heat and (-) humidity. — Самыми большими угрозами для этих животных являются жара и влажность.

9. The baggage was carefully checked. — Багаж был тщательно проверен.

10. The criminal was found not guilty by reason of (-) insanity. — Преступник был объявлен невиновным по причине безумия.