
Упражнение на артикли в английском языке.

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1. Winston bought an new jacket. The jacket is modern and black.
2. There is a sock on the sofa.
3. Felix is the writer. This is his desk.
4. It is the final episode of the serials.
5. Open an window, please.
6. Can I have a forty oranges, please?
7. A children need love and care.
8. A next stop is yours.
9. Do you like an movies?
10. Baikal is a lake.

Winston bought an new jacket. The jacket is modern and black.
Winston bought a new jacket. The jacket is modern and black. — Уинстон купил новый костюм. Костюм современный и черный.

There is a sock on the sofa. — (нет ошибок) На диване лежит носок.

Felix is the writer. This is his desk.
Felix is a writer. This is his desk. — Феликс — писатель. Это его письменный стол.

It is the final episode of the serials. — (нет ошибок) Это заключительная серия этого сериала.

Open an window, please.
Open the window, please. — Открой окно, пожалуйста.

Can I have a forty oranges, please?
Can I have (-) forty oranges, please? — Можно мне, пожалуйста, сорок апельсин?

A children need love and care.
(-) Children need love and care. — Дети нуждаются в любви и заботе.

A next stop is yours.
The next stop is yours. — Следующая остановка ваша.

Do you like an movies?
Do you like (-) movies? — Вы любите фильмы?

Baikal is a lake. — (нет ошибок) Байкал — это озеро.