If someone advocates a particular action or plan, they say publicly that it is the right action or plan and that other people should adopt it. They are usually discussing a serious question that they know a lot about and that can affect many people.

1. The socialist policies he advocates would mean a major reform of the Common Market.
2. The only positive step he took at this time was to advocate Winston Churchills return to government as a Minister.
3. The report advocates a massive programme of aid to developing countries.

If someone recommends a particular action or plan, they suggest that it is the best action or plan. They may be discussing a serious question or a minor one, and they may be giving advice to one person, a few people, or many people.

4. He suffered severe headaches as a result of this injury, and his doctor recommended a rest.
5. The steps we’ve recommended above will help you get a view of your firm’s interests.
6. They recommend that no more than one egg a day should be eaten.
7. We recommend that you take an adequate supply of currency and traveller’s cheques.