About holidays in English

Материал для занятия по теме “About holidays in English” (О каникулах). Данный материал может использоваться преподавателями для организации занятия по английскому языку либо всеми желающими улучшить знания английского по данной теме. Здесь дан тематический текст, приведена хорошая подборка лексики, которая пригодится для описания каникул и отдыха вообще.


I consider vacation the most pleasant time with so many possibilities to spend time. You may sit back and do nothing or you may read detective stories or science fiction if you are interested in reading. You may also sleep as much as you like. Actually, you have nothing to do but enjoy yourself. You can do it in many different ways – you can travel, you can go to the theatre or to the movies, you can go in for sports – it is all up to you to choose.

Our family always look forward to going on a holiday We like to have it in summer. We usually make our plans beforehand. All of us are fond of travelling. It is interesting to go to different places each year. I do not find it exciting to go to the same place. It is much more pleasant to see mountains, rivers, cities, meet new people and make friends with them. I am never tired of sight-seeing.

We are used to camping in the Crimea or in Karelia. I like to sleep in a tent. To camp is more exciting than to sleep in a building. But some holiday centres are just buildings with every modern conveniences and comfort. There are wooden cabins with good beds, electric light, running hot and cold water. There are large buildings, a dining-hall, a large hall for dancing, a cinema, a bar, rooms for games. The place usually has its own swimming pool and tennis courts. In fact there is everything you need.

To stay in such holiday centres is too expensive, and our family cannot afford it. I know some families go camping in a caravan, which may be towed behind their car, or hired when the family reaches a campsite. Caravans have all the features of home, including a toilet. We have no such trailer and spend holidays in a tent on an organized campsite.

A camping family has to buy and cook their own food, do their own washing, and look after their own accommodation. Some say it is no rest when one must do so many things. But we are fond of camping and would not change it even for going abroad on a tour.

I cannot enjoy myself on a holiday without going to bed later than usual. If I am ordered to go to bed early, I feel that I am missing the best time of the day. Something inside me makes me restless and drives me out into the open air to join the company of other boys and girls. To that my parents say they used to be quieter when they were my age. Now that they are adults they believe in the virtue of fresh air and long walks, but not at night. They say that a holiday in the country is not less interesting and useful than that at the seaside. One thing we still agree upon is that it is better to go for a holiday in summer.

Some people who go in for winter sports prefer to go on holiday in winter. They admire the beauty of nature in winter. They enjoy skiing and skating. Those who are fond of gathering berries and mushrooms take a holiday in autumn. It is especially pleasant to have a vacation during the Indian summer.

I should say that every season is good for a holiday. But life is not one long endless holiday. Vacation must be well-deserved. There should be time for work and time for leisure otherwise life might be dull and boring.


1. Why do people always look forward to going on a holiday?
2. When do they prefer to have their vacation?
3. Are you fond of camping?
4. How do people usually spend their holiday in this country?
5. How long do you think a holiday should be?

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Как ты собираешься провести каникулы? – Наш класс едет по древнерусским городам – Ярославлю, Суздалю, Костроме. Там мы будем останавливаться в студенческих общежитиях (dormitory), ну и, конечно, много гулять, смотреть, ходить по музеям.

2. Как ваша дочь провела зимние каникулы? – Никак. Накануне каникул она простудилась и почти полторы недели провела дома. Зато все это время она много читала.

3. Каждое лето родители отправляют Мишу на базу отдыха (holiday center). По правде говоря, он ее терпеть не может из-за ежедневного подъема в семь часов, зарядки и плановых мероприятий (activities), но другого выхода нет. Дачи у Мишиных родителей нет.

4. У американских студентов рождественские каникулы очень долгие. Они начинаются в середине декабря, а то и раньше, и заканчиваются в первых числах января.

6. Что Варя делала во время каникул? – Ничего особенного. Много смотрела телевизор и подолгу разговаривала по телефону с друзьями и подругами. – Жалко. Если бы мы знали, что она сидит все время дома, мы бы позвали ее с собой. Мы несколько раз ездили за город кататься на лыжах.

7. Нашему классу повезло с учителем истории. Почти каждые каникулы он организует поездки с учениками в разные города. Вот и сейчас они планируют на выходных съездить в Саблинские пещеры. Многие родители хотят присоединиться к своим детям.

8. Я твердо решил во время каникул прочитать несколько романов Виктора Гюго. Мама говорит, что если я не сделаю этого сейчас, то потом просто времени не будет.

accommodation – собирательный термин для обозначения места временного проживания – гостиницы, мотеля и т.д.
cabin – хижина
holiday camp = holiday centre – база отдыха
holidays = vacation – каникулы
in the open air – на свежем воздухе, под открытым небом
swimming pool – бассейн
tent – палатка
to go on holidays = to go on vacation – отправиться на каникулы
to go somewhere for a change – поехать куда-либо ради смены обстановки
to look forward to – ожидать
to make plans – планировать
to stay indoors – сидеть дома, не выходить на улицу