
Упражнение на отработку английских предлогов.

Вставьте, если необходимо, нужный предлог:


1. My friend suggested ___ me a trip ___ Australia ___ the end ___ February.

2. I couldn’t come ___ the office ___ the 1st ___ November ___ my illness.

3. The doctor prescribed ___ me a new medicine that I would have to take ___ the beginning ___ the end ___ the month.

4. ___ the end ___ October we’ll have learned to write reports ___ economic related issues.

5. Eating ___ hands is a common religious practice ___ many parts ___ the world, including Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

6. My cousin wrote ___ me that they hadn’t installed a kitchen cabinet ___ their kitchen so far ___ the delay ___ delivery.

7. It has been raining ___ the whole day, but ___ two days it will be sunny.

8. I haven’t passed my exam ___ Chemistry so far; I have been preparing for this exam ___ the beginning ___ the week.

9. We have been invited ___ our friends ___ their country house ___ Ester; we are going to spend ___ our friends’ three days ___ the end ___ the week.

10. Our friends’ country house is located ___ the forest ___ the river, it is standing ___ pine trees ___ a palace.

11. Why are you drinking ___ the bottle and not ___ the glass which is definitely more pleasant ___ a container.

12. We have been impressed ___ the article ___ careful treatment ___ orangutans ___ Melaka Zoo, we were discussing it ___ late ___ night.

13. Our neighbour was chatting ___ the Internet ___ his country house ___ the afternoon yesterday when he was stricken ___ a lightning and the fireball exploded right ___ his feet.

14. I was called ___ my friend ___ night, but I was sleeping ___ a baby and couldn’t answer ___ his call.

15. I hope that my friend will be keeping my secret ___ a man ___ honour; and it will be ___ him and me ___ a long time.

16. Our research ___ marketing will have been published ___ the 15th ___ May ___ 2016.

1. My friend suggested to me a trip to Australia at the end of February. – Мой друг предложил мне поездку в Австралию в конце февраля.

2. I couldn’t come to the office on the 1st of November because of my illness. – Я не смог прийти в офис 1-го ноября из-за болезни.

3. The doctor prescribed to me a new medicine that I would have to take from the beginning till the end of the month. – Врач прописал мне новое лекарство, которое мне надо будет принимать с начала до конца месяца.

4. By the end of October we’ll have learned to write reports on economic related issues. – К концу октября мы научимся писать отчеты по вопросам, связанным с экономикой.

5. Eating with hands is a common religious practice in many parts of the world, including Asia, Africa and the Middle East. –

6. My cousin wrote to me that they hadn’t installed a kitchen cabinet in their kitchen so far because of the delay of delivery.

7. It has been raining for the whole day, but in two days it will be sunny. – Весь день идет дождь, но через два дня будет солнечно.

8. I haven’t passed my exam in Chemistry so far; I have been preparing for this exam since the beginning of the week. – Я пока еще не сдал экзамен по химии; я готовлюсь к этому экзамену с начала недели.

9. We have been invited by our friends to their country house at Ester; we are going to spend at our friends’ three days till the end of the week. – Нас пригласили мои друзья в загородный дом на Пасху; мы собираемся провести у наших друзей три дня до конца недели.

10. Our friends’ country house is located in the forest across the river, it is standing among pine trees like a palace. – Загородный дом наших друзей расположен в лесу через речку, он стоит среди сосен, как дворец.

11. Why are you drinking out of the bottle and not out of the glass which is definitely more pleasant as a container. – Почему ты пьешь из бутылки, а не из стакана, который гораздо удобнее использовать в качестве ёмкости.

12. We have been impressed by the article on careful treatment of orangutans at Melaka Zoo, we were discussing it till late at night. – Мы поражены статьей по тщательному лечение орангутанов в зоопарке г. Малакка, мы обсуждали ее до позднего вечера.

13. Our neighbour was chatting on the Internet in his country house in the afternoon yesterday when he was stricken by a lightning and the fireball exploded right on his feet. – Наш сосед разговаривал по интернету в загородном доме вчера днем, когда его ударила молния, а шаровая молния взорвалась в его ногах.

14. I was called by my friend at night, but I was sleeping like a baby and couldn’t answer (-) his call. – Мне позвонил мой друг ночью, но я спал, как младенец, и не мог ответить на его звонок.

15. I hope that my friend will be keeping my secret like a man of honour; and it will be between him and me for a long time. – Я надеюсь, что мой друг будет хранить мой секрет как человек чести, и это останется между мной и им долгое время.

16. Our research in marketing will have been published by the 15th of May (-) 2016. – Наше исследование по маркетингу будет опубликовано к 15-му мая 2016 года.