
Упражнение на отработку возвратных местоимений.

Заполните пропуски, если необходимо, подходящим возвратным местоимением:


1. Is there any connection between the way a person behaves ___ as a child and the way he or she behaves ___ as an adult?

2. A nice woman behind the counter set us up at a little table, brought us some water, and told us to help ___ to some complimentary coffee.

3. Tourists have enjoyed ___ at the 21st International Beer Festival.

4. In fact, if you are feeling ___ tired all the time, you should find the way to feel ___ better.

5. After having experienced a bitter divorce, the mother of five children found ___ in danger of losing her home.

6. Alex Smith proved ___ a winner last season.

7. The 2011 Joplin tornado survivors saved their lives as they hid ___ in freezers, bathtubs and closets.

8. It’s a good idea to establish ___ as an expert in the field of website design.

1. Is there any connection between the way a person behaves (-) as a child and the way he or she behaves (-) as an adult? — Есть ли связь между детской и взрослой манерой поведения?

2. A nice woman behind the counter set us up at a little table, brought us some water, and told us to help ourselves to some complimentary coffee. — Красивая женщина за стойкой накрыла нам стол, принесла воды и предложила угоститься бесплатным кофе.

3. Tourists have enjoyed themselves at the 21st International Beer Festival. — Туристы хорошо провели время на 21-м международном фестивале пива.

4. In fact, if you are feeling (-) tired all the time, you should find the way to feel (-) better. — На самом деле если вы все время чувствуете усталость, вам нужно найти способ улучшить самочувствие.

5. After having experienced a bitter divorce, the mother of five children found herself in danger of losing her home. — Пережив болезненный развод, мать пятерых детей попала в опасность потерять жилище.

6. Alex Smith proved himself a winner last season. — Алекс Смит оказался победителей последнего сезона.

7. The 2011 Joplin tornado survivors saved their lives as they hid (-) in freezers, bathtubs and closets. — В 2011 году пострадавшие от торнадо Джоплин спаслись тем, что прятались в холодильниках, ваннах и туалетах.

8. It’s a good idea to establish oneself as an expert in the field of website design. — Это хорошая идея зарекомендовать себя в качестве эксперта в области веб-дизайна.