
Упражнение на фразовые глаголы английского языка.

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1. Although her father at first was reluctant to let her go abroad alone, he finally gave ___ .

2. Mary gave ___ her second son yesterday.

3. He is a decent person now. He has given ___ drinking and smoking.

4. Can you give me ___ to the college?

5. The professor gave ___ the essays pointing out the mistakes.

6. The Browns have given ___ their landlord. They are going to move on the first of the month.

7. He got angry when I asked him to give ___ the money, which he owed to me.

8. The new regulations gave ___ a debate.

9. Although she pretended to be Italian, the German accent gave her ___ .

10. Pete is a true friend. He will always give you ___ when you are in trouble.

1. Although her father at first was reluctant to let her go abroad alone, he finally gave in. – Хотя сначала ее отец не хотел отпускать ее одну за границу, он, наконец, сдался.

2. Mary gave birth to her second son yesterday. – Вчера Мэри родила своего второго сына.

3. He is a decent person now. He has given up drinking and smoking. – Сейчас он приличный человек. Он бросил пить и курить.

4. Can you give me a lift to the college? – Вы можете подбросить меня до колледжа?

5. The professor gave out the essays pointing out the mistakes. – Профессор раздал сочинения, указывая на ошибки.

6. The Browns have given notice to their landlord. They are going to move on the first of the month. – Брауны отправили извещение хозяину жилья. Первого числа месяца они собираются переезжать.

7. He got angry when I asked him to give back the money, which he owed to me. – Он разозлился, когда я попросил его вернуть деньги, которые он должен мне.

8. The new regulations gave rise to a debate. – Новые правила вызвали спор.

9. Although she pretended to be Italian, the German accent gave her away. – Хотя она притворилась, что является итальянкой, немецкий акцент ее выдал.

10. Pete is a true friend. He will always give you a hand when you are in trouble. – Пит настоящий друг. Он всегда выручит тебя, когда ты в беде.