
Упражнение на предлоги английского языка.

Напишите нужный предлог.


1. His reaction …_… my remark …_… his putting a lot of weight was so painful. I think he should go …_… a diet.
2. Will you pay …_… cheque or…_…cash? — I’ll give you a cheque …_… 50 pounds.
3. Look! The house is …_… fire. We should call the fire brigade.
4. The factory is closed today. The workers are …_… strike because their demand …_… increase …_… pay has not been met.
5. The great advantage …_… being …_… a cruise is that you usually have good contacts …_… many people.
6. His attitude …_… her has changed greatly. I think he has fallen …_… love …_… her.
7. …_… my opinion, he has written the test …_… chance. Instead…_…preparing …_… it he went …_… a tour.
8. She lives …_… a new district and she is not …_… the phone.
9. What is the reason …_… your doubt?
10. The cause …_… her committing a suicide is not known.
11. He was greatly impressed …_… the exhibition which was famous …_… its beautiful sculptures.
12. His behaviour is similar …_… hers. They are not interested …_… anything.
13. I’m short …_… time, I’m afraid.
14. I hate going …_… the centre. It’s always crowded …_… people.
15. The president is responsible …_… the policy of the government.
16. They are fond …_… classical music but they are also interested …_… pop music.
17. He was incapable …_… passing the exam but don’t feel sorry …_… him. If he had been keen …_… passing it, he would have studied much.
18. I’m sick and tired …_… this loud music. Will you turn it …_… , please?
19. His dictation is full …_… mistakes. He is not keen …_… learning German.
20. They are sorry …_… their behaviour. They drank too much yesterday.

1. His reaction to my remark on his putting a lot of weight was so painful. I think he should go on a diet. — Его реакция на мое замечание по поводу того, что он набрал большой вес, была такой болезненной. Я думаю, что ему следует сесть на диету.
2. Will you pay by cheque or in cash? — I’ll give you a cheque for 50 pounds. — Вы будете платить чеком или наличными? — Я дам вам чек на 50 фунтов.
3. Look! The house is on fire. We should call the fire brigade. — Посмотрите! дом горит. Нам следует позвонить в пожарную бригаду.
4. The factory is closed today. The workers are on strike because their demand for increase in pay has not been met. — Фабрика сегодня закрыта. Рабочие бастуют, потому что их требование в повышении заработной платы не было удовлетворено.
5. The great advantage of being on a cruise is that you usually have good contacts with many people. — Большим преимуществом того, чтобы быть в круизе, является множество контактов со многими людьми.
6. His attitude to her has changed greatly. I think he has fallen in love with her. — Его отношение к ней значительно изменилось. Я думаю, что он влюбился в нее.
7. In my opinion, he has written the test by chance. Instead of preparing for it he went on a tour. — По моему мнению, Он случайно написал тест. Вместо подготовки к нему он отправился в поездку.
8. She lives in a new district and she is not on the phone. — Она живет в новом районе, и у нее нет телефона.
9. What is the reason for your doubt? — Какова причина твоего сомнения?
10. The cause of her committing a suicide is not known. — Причина совершения ее самоубийства неизвестна.
11. He was greatly impressed by the exhibition which was famous for its beautiful sculptures. — Он был сильно впечатлен выставкой, которая знаменита своими скульптурами.
12. His behaviour is similar to hers. They are not interested in anything. — Его поведение похожа на ее. Они ничем не интересуются.
13. I’m short of time, I’m afraid. — Боюсь, мне не хватает времени.
14. I hate going to the centre. It’s always crowded with people. — Не люблю ездить в центр. Он всегда заполнен людьми.
15. The president is responsible for the policy of the government. — Президент отвечает за политику правительства.
16. They are fond of classical music but they are also interested in pop music. — Они любят классическую музыку, но они также интересуются и популярной музыкой.
17. He was incapable of passing the exam but don’t feel sorry for him. If he had been keen on passing it, he would have studied much. — Он был не смог сдать экзамен, но не жалейте его. Если бы он хотел сдать его, то учил бы много.
18. I’m sick and tired of this loud music. Will you turn it off, please? — Мне ужа надоела эта громкая музыка. Отключи ее, пожалуйста.
19. His dictation is full of mistakes. He is not keen on learning German. — Его диктант полон ошибок. Он не любит учить немецкий.
20. They are sorry about their behaviour. They drank too much yesterday. — Они сожалеют о своем поведении. Вчера они выпили слишком много.