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1. ______ Canary Islands is the only place in ______ Spain where volcanic eruptions have been recorded.
2. ______ Trafalgar Square is owned by the Queen in Right of the Crown.
3. Since the 20th century, ______ Mississippi River has also experienced major pollution and environmental
4. To help raise money for the revolution, ______ Byron sold his estate Rochdale Manor in ______ England.
5. ______ Atlantic has irregular coasts indented by numerous bays, gulfs and seas.
6. ______ Nepal derives its name from an ancient Hindu sage called Ne.
7. The climate of ______ Azores is very mild for such a northerly location.
8. ______ Sahara is the world’s largest low-latitude hot desert.
9. ______ Cape Horn was discovered and first rounded in 1616.
10. ______ Westminster Abbey is renowned for its choral tradition.

1. The Canary Islands is the only place in (-) Spain where volcanic eruptions have been recorded. – Канарские острова – это единственное место в Испании, где зафиксированы вулканические извержения.

2. (-) Trafalgar Square is owned by the Queen in Right of the Crown. – Трафальгарская площадь принадлежит Королеве по праву Короны.

3. Since the 20th century, the Mississippi River has also experienced major pollution and environmental problems. – С 20-го века река Миссисипи претерпевает значительное загрязнение и экологические проблемы.

4. To help raise money for the revolution, (-) Byron sold his estate Rochdale Manor in (-) England. – Чтобы помочь собрать деньги для революции, Байрон продал свое поместье Рочдейл в Англии.

5. The Atlantic has irregular coasts indented by numerous bays, gulfs and seas. – Атлантический океан имеет неправильные берега, испещренные многочисленными бухтами, заливами и морями.

6. (-) Nepal derives its name from an ancient Hindu sage called Ne. – Непал берет свое название от древней индусской саги по названием “Не”.

7. The climate of the Azores is very mild for such a northerly location. – Климат Азорских островов очень мягок для такой северной местности.

8. The Sahara is the world’s largest low-latitude hot desert. – Сахара – это самая большая низкоширотная жаркая пустыня.

9. (-) Cape Horn was discovered and first rounded in 1616. – Мыс Горн был открыт и впервые обогнут в 1616 году.

10. (-) Westminster Abbey is renowned for its choral tradition. – Вестминстерское Аббатство знаменито своей хоровой традицией.