Упражнение на местоимения other, the other, another.
Вставьте other, the other, another.
1. I have no ____ friends but you.
2. Young Martin had been sent on ____ errand to the grocer.
3. At first we were in one room and then we went into ____ room.
4. The insurance offices were on ____ side of the street.
5. He pulled on ____ glove and said that, though it was late, he would run along to his office.
6. I must find myself ____ job.
7. «We can do as well as ____ people», my aunt said.
8. He said that he would ring Charles up as soon as he got home. Then he talked of ____ things all the way.
9. Some children like milk chocolate, ____ children prefer plain chocolate.
10. When I returned home I found my wife talking to our neighbor. ____ guests had gone.
1. I have no other friends but you. — У меня нет никаких других друзей, кроме тебя.
2. Young Martin had been sent on another errand to the grocer. — Молодого Мартина послали с еще одним поручением к бакалейщику.
3. At first we were in one room and then we went into another room. — Сначала мы были в одной комнате, а потом мы перешли в другую.
4. The insurance offices were on the other side of the street. — Страховые офисы находились на другой стороне улицы.
5. He pulled on the other glove and said that, though it was late, he would run along to his office. — Он натянул другую (вторую) перчатку и сказал, что, хотя было уже поздно, он побежит в свой офис.
6. I must find myself another job. — Я должен найти себе другую работу.
7. «We can do as well as other people», my aunt said. — «Мы можем сделать так же хорошо, как и другие люди», — сказала моя тетя.
8. He said that he would ring Charles up as soon as he got home. Then he talked of other things all the way. — Он сказал, что он позвонит Чарльзу, как только доберется до дома. Потом он все время говорил о других вещах.
9. Some children like milk chocolate, other children prefer plain chocolate. — Некоторым детям нравится молочный шоколад, другие дети предпочитают горький шоколад.
10. When I returned home I found my wife talking to our neighbor. The other guests had gone. — Когда я вернулся домой, я обнаружил жену за разговором с соседом. Другие гости уже ушли.