
Упражнение на Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее, именительный падеж с инфинитивом).

Переведите на русский язык:


1. The opening of the conference is understood to have been fixed for the 15th of December.
2. Two shiploads of ore expected to arrive shortly will be sent to that works.
3. The experiment, which is believed to have proved most successful, will be discussed at the conference.
4. Paper bags are said to give better protection against frost than jute.
5. Many million tons of oil reserves are known to exist in that district.

1. The opening of the conference is understood to have been fixed for the 15th of December.
Имеются сведения, что открытие конференции было назначено на 15 декабря.

2. Two shiploads of ore expected to arrive shortly will be sent to that works.
Два груза руды, которые, как ожидают, вскоре прибудут, будут посланы на этот завод.

3. The experiment, which is believed to have proved most successful, will be discussed at the conference.
Опыт, который, как полагают, оказался весьма успешным, будет обсужден на конференции.

4. Paper bags are said to give better protection against frost than jute.
Говорят, что бумажные мешки лучше защищают от мороза, чем джутовые мешки.

5. Many million tons of oil reserves are known to exist in that district.
Известно, что в этом районе существуют залежи нефти во много миллионов тонн.