
Упражнение на предлоги.

Выбрать правильный вариант предлога.


1. There are too many people (on/in/by) the bus. I want to go (on/in/by) a taxi.
2. Did you go there (on/in/by) foot or (on/in/by) car? — I went (on/in/by) Peter’s bicycle.
3. It is too hot to be (on/in/by) the sun at noon. We have been sitting (on/in/by) the beach for three hours. Let’s sit (on/in/by) the shade.
4. We travelled (on/in/by) plane. There was a good lunch (on/in/by) the plane.
5. She didn’t want to go (on/in/by) underground, so they came (on/in/by) a taxi.
6. Have you ever ridden (on/in/by) the elephant?
7. Don’t stay (on/in/by) the rain! Come in!
8. The children were afraid to sit (on/in/by) the dark. They came into the dining room and sat (on/in/by) their mother.
9. The rule is written (on/in/by) page twelve.
10. Where shall we hang the picture? — (On/In/By) the window.
11. I was too tired to talk to somebody (on/in/by) the train.
12. It was an awful trip. My friend lent me his car, but after we’d been (on/in/by) the car for a few hours, it broke down. We started to go back (on/in/by) foot, but a van-driver stopped and took us (on/in/by) his van. We came back home at dawn.

1. There are too many people on the bus. I want to go in a taxi. — В автобусе слишком много людей. Я хочу поехать на такси.
2. Did you go there on foot or by car? — I went on Peter’s bicycle. — Ты ходил туда пешком или ездил на машине? — Я ездил на велосипеде Петра.
3. It is too hot to be in the sun at noon. We have been sitting on the beach for three hours. Let’s sit in the shade. — Слишком жарко в полдень находиться на солнце. Мы сидим на пляже в течение трех часов. Давай сядем в тень.
4. We travelled by plane. There was a good lunch on the plane. — Мы полетели на самолете. Обед был хорош в самолете.
5. She didn’t want to go by underground, so they came in a taxi. — Она не хотела ехать на метро, поэтому они приехали на такси.
6. Have you ever ridden on the elephant? — Ты когда-нибудь катался на слоне?
7. Don’t stay in the rain! Come in! — Не стой под дождем! Заходи!
8. The children were afraid to sit in the dark. They came into the dining room and sat by their mother. — Дети боялись сидеть в темноте. Они зашли в обеденную комнату и сели возле мамы.
9. The rule is written on page twelve. — Это правило написано на странице двенадцать.
10. Where shall we hang the picture? — By the window. — Куда мы повесим эту картину? — У окна.
11. I was too tired to talk to somebody in the train. — Я был слишком уставшим, чтобы говорить с кем-либо в поезде.
12. It was an awful trip. My friend lent me his car, but after we’d been in the car for a few hours, it broke down. We started to go back on foot, but a van-driver stopped and took us in his van. We came back home at dawn. — Это была ужасная поездка. Мой друг одолжил мне свою машину, но после того как мы просидели в машине в течение нескольких часов, она сломалась. Мы пошли обратно пешком, но водитель грузовика остановился и взял нас в свой грузовик.