Упражнение на местоимения either / neither.
Вставьте either / neither.
1. ____ of these machines is suitable for the work you want to do. You can use them.
2. That evening my mother spoke with such a quiet anger that Aunt Milly was intimidated. After that ____ of them was ever willing to take up the subject.
3. The first time we met after the ball, ____ of us said a word that was not trivial.
4. The news did not shock ____ of them.
5. There is a train at 11.30 and one at 12.05. ____ train will get you to Oxford in time for the meeting.
6. I have got 2 brothers. ____ brother has been abroad yet.
7. My wife and I watched him make the parcel but he took no notice of ____ of us.
8. The houses on ____ side were tall and big.
9. I have travelled by both trains and ____ train had a restaurant car.
10. There was a lamp at ____ end of the street.
1. Either of these machines is suitable for the work you want to do. You can use them. — Каждая из этих машин пригодна для работы, которую вы хотите сделать. Вы можете испoльзовать их.
2. That evening my mother spoke with such a quiet anger that Aunt Milly was intimidated. After that neither of them was ever willing to take up the subject. — В тот вечер моя мама говорила с таким тихим гневом, что тетя Милли была напугана. После этого никто из них не хотел больше затрагивать этот вопрос.
3. The first time we met after the ball, neither of us said a word that was not trivial. — В первый раз, когда мы встретились после бала, никто из нас не произнес и слова, которое не было бы тривиальным.
4. The news did not shock either of them. — Эта новость не шокировала никого из них.
5. There is a train at 11.30 and one at 12.05. Either train will get you to Oxford in time for the meeting. — Есть поезд в 11.30 и еще один в 12.05. Любой из них доставит тебя в Оксфорд на собрание вовремя.
6. I have got 2 brothers. Neither brother has been abroad yet. У меня два брата. никто из них не было еще за границей.
7. My wife and I watched him make the parcel but he took no notice of either of us. — Мы с женой наблюдали за тем, как он собирает посылку, но он не замечал никого из нас.
8. The houses on either side were tall and big. — Дома по обеим сторонам были высокими и большими.
9. I have travelled by both trains and neither train had a restaurant car. — Я ездил на обоих поездах, и ни в одном из них не было вагона-ресторана.
10. There was a lamp at either end of the street. — По обеим сторонам улицы висел фонарь.