
Упражнение на отработку возвратных местоимений.

Вставьте нужное возвратное местоимение:


1. Maybe our colleague wants to rehabilitate ___ , but he does not speak, so we do not know.

2. Elizabeth Olsen distanced ___ from her famous sisters at high school by changing her name.

3. The freedom of expression is a basic constitutional right; however we can hardly always express ___ .

4. Schoolboys have been banned from using leather and plastic footballs in their playground — in case they hurt ___ .

5. My sister came to the conclusion that dressing ___ is a form of self-expression.

6. This painter needn’t defend ___ from critics.

7. How can I distance ___ from a friend without hurting him?

8. Ronald Reagan used to say that if you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace ___ , you can always write a book.

9. It seems that our secretary has injured ___ while dancing at the wedding of her nephew.

10. Homeowners will be handed more legal protection to defend ___ against burglars.

1. Maybe our colleague wants to rehabilitate himself, but he does not speak, so we do not know. — Может быть, наш коллега хочет реабилитироваться, но он не говорит, поэтому мы не знаем.

2. Elizabeth Olsen distanced herself from her famous sisters at high school by changing her name. — Елизавета Ольсен дистанцировалась от своих знаменитых сестер старшей школе, сменив имя.

3. The freedom of expression is a basic constitutional right; however we can hardly always express ourselves. — Свобода самовыражения является основным конституционным правом, однако вряд ли мы можем самовыражаться.

4. Schoolboys have been banned from using leather and plastic footballs in their playground — in case they hurt themselves. — Школьникам запретили использовать кожаные или пластиковые мячи на игровой площадке, чтобы не травмировались.

5. My sister came to the conclusion that dressing herself is a form of self-expression. Моя двоюродная сестра пришла к выводу, что наряжаться значит самовыражаться.

6. This painter needn’t defend himself from critics. — Этому художнику не нужно защищаться от критиков.

7. How can I distance myself from a friend without hurting him? — Как мне дистанцироваться от друга, не обидев его?

8. Ronald Reagan used to say that if you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book. — Рональд Рейган говорил, что в случае успеха есть много наград; но если вы опозоритесь, то всегда можете написать книгу.

9. It seems that our secretary has injured herself while dancing at the wedding of her nephew. — Кажется, что наша секретарь травмировалась, танцуя на свадьбе своего племянника.

10. Homeowners will be handed more legal protection to defend themselves against burglars. — Домовладельцам будут дано больше прав защищаться от грабителей.