
Упражнение на предлоги from, from … till, since, by, for.

Вставьте предлоги from, from … till, since, by, for.


1. The energy company will raise prices for customers by 10% ___ January.

2. The booking office is open ___ Monday ___ Friday ___ 9 a.m. ___ 6 p.m. and on Saturday ___ 10 a.m. ___ 4 p.m.

3. There is one month and a half ___ Halloween ___ Christmas, but so many people start Christmas shopping right after Halloween.

4. The customs of Halloween have spread all over Europe ___ the 1990s.

5. If any project fails, it should be started again ___ the beginning.

6. How many people have ever lived ___ the beginning of time?

7. The airways company has launched a flight to Beijing, China ___ January 31, 2012.

8. The unemployment in Scotland has increased for the first time ___ last autumn.

9. Have you been driving a car ___ five years?

10. I’ll have been studying Japanese ___ seven months ___ the end of the year.

11. A lot of really creative entertainments had been prepared ___ the Independence Day.

12. Who knows what the world will be like in 2050 and whether the police will have ever existed ___ that time.

1. The energy company will raise prices for customers by 10% from January. — Энергетическая компания поднимет цены для клиентов на 10% с января.

2. The booking office is open from Monday till Friday from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. — Касса работает с понедельника по пятницу с 9 утра до 6 вечера и в субботу с 10 утра до 4 дня.

3. There is one month and a half from Halloween till Christmas, but so many people start Christmas shopping right after Halloween. — От Хэллоуина до Рождества полтора месяца, но очень много людей начинают Рождественский шопинг сразу после Хэллоуина.

4. The customs of Halloween have spread all over Europe since the 1990s. — Традиция отмечать Хэллоуин распространилась по всей Европе с 90-х годов прошлого века.

5. If any project fails, it should be started again from the beginning. Если какой-то проект терпит неудачу, то его надо начать с самого начала.

6. How many people have ever lived since the beginning of time? — Сколько человек прожило с начала всех времен?

7 . The airways company has launched a flight to Beijing, China since January 31, 2012. — Эта аэрокомпания запустила рейс до Пекина, Китай, с 31-го января 2012 года.

8. The unemployment in Scotland has increased for the first time since last autumn. — Безработица в Шотландии усилилась впервые с прошлой осени.

9. Have you been driving a car for five years? — Ты уже водишь машину в течение пяти лет?

10. I’ll have been studying Japanese for seven months by the end of the year. — Я проучу японский язык уже в течение семи месяцев к концу года.

11. A lot of really creative entertainments had been prepared by the Independence Day. — Ко Дню Независимости было подготовлено много творческих мероприятий.

12. Who knows what the world will be like in 2050 and whether the police will have ever existed by that time. — Кто знает, каким мир будет в 2050 году и будет ли вообще существовать полиция к тому времени.