
Вставьте, где необходимо, нужный артикль:


1. Do you know ______ Jack Richardson, ______ pilot?
2. ______ Danube was once a long-standing frontier of ______ Roman Empire.
3. ______ Lake Onega has a surface area of 9,700 km2.
4. ______ Netherlands has 20 national parks and hundreds of other nature reserves.
5. The highest point of ______ Balkans is ______ Mount Musala, 2,925 metres.
6. The Palermo stone records a number of kings reigning over ______ Lower Egypt.
7. ______ Lake Erie is situated on the international boundary between ______ Canada and ______ United States.
8. The geography of ______ western South America is dominated by ______ Andes Mountains.
9. ______ Central Asia has a population of about 72 million.
10. Until the early 19th century, ______ Australia was best known as “______ New Holland”.
11. During the Zhou dynasty, ______ central and western Inner Mongolia were inhabited by nomadic peoples.
12. ______ Lake Geneva is divided into three parts because of its different types of formation.
13. In the early 16th century, ______ northern India was under Muslim rulers.
14. On Earth, ______ Equator is about 40,075 km (24,901 mi) long.
15. The term ______ Northern America refers to the northern-most countries and territories of ______ North America: ______ United States, ______ Bermuda, ______ St. Pierre and Miquelon, ______ Canada and ______ Greenland.

1. Do you know the Jack Richardson, the pilot? — Ты знаешь Джека Ричардсона, пилота?

2. The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire. — Дунай был долголетней границей Римской Империи.

3. (-) Lake Onega has a surface area of 9,700 km2. — Территория Онежского озера составляет 9 700 кв.км.

4. The Netherlands has 20 national parks and hundreds of other nature reserves. — Нидерланды имеют 20 национальных парков и сотни других природных заповедников.

5. The highest point of the Balkans is (-) Mount Musala, 2,925 metres. — Наивысшей точкой Балкан является гора Мусала.

6. The Palermo stone records a number of kings reigning over (-) Lower Egypt. — На Палермском камне написан ряд королей, правивших Нижним Египтом.

7. (-) Lake Erie is situated on the international boundary between (-) Canada and the United States. — Озеро Эри находится на международной границе между Канадой и Соединенными Штатами.

8. The geography of (-) western South America is dominated by the Andes Mountains. — В географии западной части Южной Америки преобладают Анды.

9. (-) Central Asia has a population of about 72 million. — Население Центральной Азии составляет 72 миллиона.

10. Until the early 19th century, (-) Australia was best known as “(-) New Holland”. — До начала 19-го века Австралия была известна как «Новая Голландия».

11. During the Zhou dynasty, (-) central and western Inner Mongolia were inhabited by nomadic peoples. — Во время династии Чжоу центральная и западная часть Внутренней Монголии была населена кочевниками.

12. (-) Lake Geneva is divided into three parts because of its different types of formation. — Озеро Женева разделена на три части из-за трех различных типов ее образования.

13. In the early 16th century, (-) northern India was under Muslim rulers. — В начале 16-го века северная Индия находилась под мусульманскими правителями.

14. On Earth, the Equator is about 40,075 km (24,901 mi) long. — На земле длина экватора составляет 40,075 км.

15. The term (-) Northern America refers to the northern-most countries and territories of (-) North America: the United States, (-) Bermuda, (-) St. Pierre and Miquelon, (-) Canada and (-) Greenland. — Термин «Северная Америка» относится к самым северным странам и территориям Северной Америки: Соединенным Штатам Америки, Бермудам, Сен-Пьер и Микелон, Канаде и Гренландии.