
Упражнение на обороты типа “So do I” или “Neither (nor) do I”.

Замените второе предложение каждой пары оборотами типа “So do I” или “Neither (nor) do I”:


He can speak French. – I can speak French, too.
He can speak French. – So can I.

1. My father is very busy. I am busy too.
2. Ivanov is going to Vladivostok. His wife is going to Vladivostok too.
3. I don’t want to go there. He doesn’t want to go there either.
4. Jerry will go there. Peter will go there too.
5. He prefers to go by plane. His brother prefers to go by plane too.
6. He will not go away this summer. His wife will not go away this summer either.
7. That girl couldn’t do it. Her sister couldn’t do it either.
8. He can’t swim. She can’t swim either.
9. You shouldn’t smoke so much. Your brother shouldn’t smoke so much either.
10. I was very tired after our trip. My daughter was also tired after our trip.

1. My father is very busy. – So am I.
Мой отец очень занят. – Я тоже.

2. Ivanov is going to Vladivostok. – So is his wife.
Иванов едет во Владивосток. – И его жена тоже.

3. I don’t want to go there. – Neither does he.
Я не хочу идти туда. – Я тоже.

4. Jerry will go there. – So will Peter.
Джерри пойдет туда. – Питер тоже.

5. He prefers to go by plane. – So does his brother.
Он предпочитает лететь на самолете. – И его брат тоже.

6. He will not go away this summer. – Neither will his wife.
Он не поедет туда этим летом. – И его жена тоже.

7. That girl couldn’t do it. – Neither could her sister.
Эта девочка не могла сделать это. – И ее сестра тоже.

8. He can’t swim. – Neither can she.
Он не умеет плавать. – И она тоже.

9. You shouldn’t smoke so much. – Neither should your brother.
Тебе не следует курить так много. – И также твоему брату.

10. I was very tired after our trip. – So was my daughter.
Я был очень уставшим после нашей поездке. – И моя дочь тоже.