
Вставьте, где необходимо, нужный артикль:


1. Anne tries to find items of ______ clothing similar to the styles in a photograph.
2. I have no ______ memory of the event.
3. His girlfriend has excellent taste in ______ music.
4. ______ humidity of that region is terrible.
5. Her children make ______ slow progress.
6. ______ lightning struck trees and houses.
7. The rivals showed much ______ courage.
8. The crisis is driven by ______ poverty and ______ crime.
9. Alice doesn’t know the difference between fiction and ______ reality.
10. Ten people own more ______ wealth than half the world.
11. Our neighbours buy more and more ______ furniture.
12. The beauty of ______ nature inspires many artists.
13. Would you like some ______ ice in your juice?
14. Do you think this ______ information is important?
15. The power station has not produced ______ electricity since shutting down.

1. Anne tries to find items of (-) clothing similar to the styles in a photograph. – Анна пытается найти предметы одежды, похожие на стиль на фотографии.

2. I have no (-) memory of the event. – Я не помню этого события.

3. His girlfriend has excellent taste in (-) music. – У его девушки отличный вкус в музыке.

4. The humidity of that region is terrible. – Влажность этого региона ужасна.

5. Her children make (-) slow progress. – Ее дети плохо успевают.

6. The lightning struck trees and houses. – Молния поразила деревья и дома.

7. The rivals showed much (-) courage. – Соперники демонстрировали мужество.

8. The crisis is driven by (-) poverty and (-) crime. – Кризис подстегивается бедностью и преступностью.

9. Alice doesn’t know the difference between fiction and (-) reality. – Алиса не понимает разницу между выдумкой и реальностью.

10. Ten people own more (-) wealth than half the world. – Десять людей имеют больше богатств, чем половина мира.

11. Our neighbours buy more and more (-) furniture. – Наши соседи покупают все больше и больше мебели.

12. The beauty of (-) nature inspires many artists. – Красота природы вдохновляет многих художников.

13. Would you like some (-) ice in your juice? – Тебе нужно немного льда в сок?

14. Do you think this (-) information is important? – Ты думаешь, что эта информация важна?

15. The power station has not produced (-) electricity since shutting down. – Электростанция не производит электричества с момента закрытия.