
Упражнение на придаточные условия.

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A. Would you have been that strict if you’d known the truth?
B. Will you be that strict if you’d known the truth?
C. Would you be that strict if you’d known the truth?

A. If you go out with your friends tonight, I would watch the football match on TV.
B. If you go out with your friends tonight, I watch the football match on TV.
C. If you go out with your friends tonight, I will watch the football match on TV.

A. She would have come to our party if she had not been on holiday.
B. She will have come to our party if she had not been on holiday.
C. She would have come to our party if she would have been on holiday.

A. I would not buy these shoes if they fitted.
B. I would buy these shoes if they fitted.
C. I would buy these shoes if they would fitted.

A. If you will drop the vase, it will break.
B. If you drop the vase, it will not break.
C. If you drop the vase, it will break.

A. He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the tools.
B. He would repair the car himself if he had had the tools.
C. He would have repair the car himself if he had had the tools.

A. If we’d seen you, we will stop.
B. If we’d seen you, we would stop.
C. If we’d seen you, we would have stopped.

A. If she does not hurry, we will miss the bus.
B. If she do not hurry, we will miss the bus.
С. If she does hurry, we will miss the bus.

A. It will not surprise me if he did not know the answer.
B. It would not surprise me if he did not know the answer.
C. It would not surprise me if he knows the answer.

A. If we listened to the radio, we would have heard the news.
B. If we had listened to the radio, we would have heard the news.
C. If we had listened to the radio, we would heard the news.

A. Would you have been that strict if you’d known the truth? — Вы были бы так строги, если бы знали правду?
B. Will you be that strict if you’d known the truth?
C. Would you be that strict if you’d known the truth?

A. If you go out with your friends tonight, I would watch the football match on TV.
B. If you go out with your friends tonight, I watch the football match on TV.
C. If you go out with your friends tonight, I will watch the football match on TV. — Если ты сегодня пойдешь с друзьями гулять, то я посмотрю футбол по телевизору.

A. She would have come to our party if she had not been on holiday. — Она бы пришла к нам на вечеринку, если бы не была в отпуске.
B. She will have come to our party if she had not been on holiday.
C. She would have come to our party if she would have been on holiday.

A. I would not buy these shoes if they fitted.
B. I would buy these shoes if they fitted. — Я бы купил эти туфли, если бы они подошли.
C. I would buy these shoes if they would fitted.

A. If you will drop the vase, it will break.
B. If you drop the vase, it will not break.
C. If you drop the vase, it will break. — Если ты уронишь вазу, то она разобьется.

A. He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the tools. — Он бы сам отремонтировал машину, если бы имел инструменты.
B. He would repair the car himself if he had had the tools.
C. He would have repair the car himself if he had had the tools.

A. If we’d seen you, we will stop.
B. If we’d seen you, we would stop.
C. If we’d seen you, we would have stopped. — Если бы мы тебя увидели, то остановились бы.

A. If she does not hurry, we will miss the bus. — Если она не поторопится, то мы опоздаем на поезд.
B. If she do not hurry, we will miss the bus.
С. If she does hurry, we will miss the bus.

A. It will not surprise me if he did not know the answer.
B. It would not surprise me if he did not know the answer. — Если бы он не знал ответ, то меня бы это не удивило.
C. It would not surprise me if he knows the answer.

A. If we listened to the radio, we would have heard the news.
B. If we had listened to the radio, we would have heard the news. — Если бы он слушал радио, то услышал бы новость.
C. If we had listened to the radio, we would heard the news.