
Упражнение на present simple.

Выберите правильное предложение.


A. The boys does not play golf every Sunday.
B. The boys plays golf every Sunday.
C. The boys do not play golf every Sunday.

A. My parents live in a detached house.
B. My parents lives in a detached house.
C. My parents does live in a detached house.

A. This train leave at 10.30 every day.
B. This train leaves at 10.30 every day.
C. This train at 10.30 every day leaves.

A. Do write your relatives to you regularly?
B. Do your relatives write to you regularly?
C. Do your relatives writes to you regularly?

A. They plays volleyball at weekends.
B. They don’t volleyball play at weekends.
C. They don’t play volleyball at weekends.

A. A surgeon is a person who make operations.
B. A surgeon is a person who don’t make operations.
C. A surgeon is a person who makes operations.

A. Be careful with the paint. It contain a certain amount of lead.
B. Be careful with the paint. It contains a certain amount of lead.
C. Be careful with the paint. It doesn’t contain a certain amount of lead.

A. Does London have many museums?
B. Do London have many museums?
C. Does London has many museums?

A. Now I understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t know how to use it.
B. Now I understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t knows how to use it.
C. Now I doesn’t understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t know how to use it.

A. I always feel ill at ease with the boss, I can’t say why.
B. I feel ill always at ease with the boss, I can’t say why.
C. I always feel ill at ease with the boss, I can’t says why.

A. The boys does not play golf every Sunday.
B. The boys plays golf every Sunday.
C. The boys do not play golf every Sunday. — Мальчики не играют в гольф каждое воскресенье.

A. My parents live in a detached house. — Мои друзья живут в отдельном доме.
B. My parents lives in a detached house.
C. My parents does live in a detached house.

A. This train leave at 10.30 every day.
B. This train leaves at 10.30 every day. — Этот поезд отправляется в 10.30 каждый день.
C. This train at 10.30 every day leaves.

A. Do write your relatives to you regularly?
B. Do your relatives write to you regularly? — Твои родственники регулярно тебе пишут?
C. Do your relatives writes to you regularly?

A. They plays volleyball at weekends.
B. They don’t volleyball play at weekends.
C. They don’t play volleyball at weekends. — По выходным они не играют в волейбол.

A. A surgeon is a person who make operations.
B. A surgeon is a person who don’t make operations.
C. A surgeon is a person who makes operations. — Хирург — это человек, проводящий операции.

A. Be careful with the paint. It contain a certain amount of lead.
B. Be careful with the paint. It contains a certain amount of lead. — Будь осторожен с краской. Она содержит некоторое количество свинца.
C. Be careful with the paint. It doesn’t contain a certain amount of lead.

A. Does London have many museums? — Имеет ли Лондон много музеев?
B. Do London have many museums?
C. Does London has many museums?

A. Now I understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t know how to use it. — Теперь я понимаю значение этого слова, но все еще не знаю, как его испoльзовать.
B. Now I understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t knows how to use it.
C. Now I doesn’t understand the meaning of this word, but still I don’t know how to use it.

A. I always feel ill at ease with the boss, I can’t say why. — Я всегда чувствую неловкость с начальником; я не могу сказать почему.
B. I feel ill always at ease with the boss, I can’t say why.
C. I always feel ill at ease with the boss, I can’t says why.