
Упражнение на притяжательный падеж и предлог of.

Замените, где возможно, существительное с предлогом of формой притяжательного падежа:


1. The new club of the artists.
2. The novels of London.
3. The toys of the girls.
4. The walls of the room.
5. The plays of Shakespeare.
6. The voice of his friend.
7. The orders of the Chief.
8. The pages of the book.
9. The watch of my father.
10. The birthday of my son Jack.
11. The parents of all the other boys.
12. The boats of the fishermen.
13. The opinion of the doctor.
14. The signature of Mr. Ivanov.
15. The conclusions of the expert.
16. The house of my sister-in-law.

1. The new club of the artists.
The artists’ new club. – Новый клуб артистов.

2. The novels of London.
London’s novels. – Романы Лондона.

3. The toys of the girls.
The girls’ toys. – Игрушки девочек.

4. The walls of the room.
(-) – Стены комнаты.

5. The plays of Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s plays. – Пьесы Шекспира.

6. The voice of his friend.
His friend’s voice. – Голос его друга.

7. The orders of the Chief.
The Chief’s orders. – Приказы руководителя.

8. The pages of the book.
(-) – Страницы книги.

9. The watch of my father.
My father’s watch. – Часы моего папы.

10. The birthday of my son Jack.
My son Jack’s birthday. – День рождение моего сына Джека.

11. The parents of all the other boys.
All the other boys’ parents. – Родители всех других мальчиков.

12. The boats of the fishermen.
The fishermen’s boats. – Лодки рыбаков.

13. The opinion of the doctor.
The doctor’s opinion. – Мнение врача.

14. The signature of Mr. Ivanov.
Mr. Ivanov’s signature. – Подпись мистера Иванова.

15. The conclusions of the expert.
The expert’s conclusions. – Заключение эксперта.

16. The house of my sister-in-law.
My sister-in-law’s house. – Дом моей невестки.