
Выполните упражнение на постановку английских артиклей.

Если необходимо, поставьте артикль a/an, the.


1. Against her parents’ wish, she wants to be ___ doctor.

2. ___ gentleman stood up to give ___ seat.

3. «You see», said ___ girl with ___ smile.

4. ___ Christmas is ___ religious holiday.

5. ___ article was published in ___ Times on ___ May 10th.

6. He was ___ first in his class.

7. Our team is ___ third in the competition.

8. As I came up our street, I saw my ___ mother and my ___ brother waving from ___ window.

9. ___ Italians have given ___ world some first-class film producers.

10. ___ young are often intolerant.

1. Against her parents’ wish, she wants to be a doctor. – Она хочет быть врачом против желания своих родителей.

2. The gentleman stood up to give a seat. – Мужчина встал, чтобы уступить место.

3. «You see», said the girl with a smile. – “Видите ли”, – сказала девушка с улыбкой.

4. (-) Christmas is a religious holiday. – Рождество – это религиозный праздник.

5. The article was published in the Times on (-) May 10th. – Статья была опубликована в газете “Таймз” 10-го мая.

6. He was the first in his class. – Он был первым в своем классе.

7. Our team is the third in the competition. – Наша команда третья в соревновании.

8. As I came up our street, I saw my (-) mother and my (-) brother waving from the window. – Когда я подошел к нашей улице, то увидел мою маму и моего брата, машущих рукой из окна.

9. The Italians have given the world some first-class film producers. – Итальянцы дали миру нескольких первоклассных кинопродюсеров.

10. The young are often intolerant. – Молодые люди часто не толерантны.